Chapter 10

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A/N I know it's been over a year since I last updated this and I'm sorry. Its been a busy year and I'm back now!:P
I hope you enjoy the story!

Liz's POV
I don't know if I should tell Anne about the almost kiss. Oh well I guess if she over reacts she over reacts.
"Anne so Nat came over last night and then he spent the night.

"Yeah so he always spends the night that's normal. Did you guys do something!?" Anne asks me.

"No! Well I mean this time it was different we both fell asleep on the couch. Together. We kinda were cuddling as we watched movies he had his arms wrapped around me. He's never done that to me before unless I was crying about something and he was trying to comfort me. But this time it was different he wasn't comforting me but it felt really nice." I say while blushing.

"Oh my god Liz that's so cute! So anything else happen?? Huh?" Anne says waiting for me to spill more news.

"Well not much else happened that night, but in the morning he made me pancakes. You know I love pancakes, well when I was cleaning up I sorta kinda kissed him on the cheek and thanked him.... "

"What!!" Anne gasps. Before she can say anything else I quickly blurt out.

" He also called me babe, he has been calling me that all morning. And we almost kissed well that is until Alex walked into the room yelling."

"Ugh! Darn it Alex he ruined the moment. He's such a guy. But he is still adorable haha." Anne chuckles at Alex's silliness. "And now you're here with me instead of skating around with your man candy." Anne says and sticks her tongue out at me.

"Be quiet Anne!" I beg her. "No one can know. This is between you and me."

"And Nat" She adds making kissy faces. I just shake my head at her and chuckle. "okay okay I won't tell anyone. But I think you should tell Nat."

"Tell me what?" Nat ask cheerfully as he rolls right next to the table and sits beside me.

"Uh well um tell you that." I look at him struggling with what to tell him. Anne saves me by jumping in.

"Tell you that you look great in that shirt!" Anne smiles cheesily trying to cover my nervousness. 

"Ummm okay." Nat looks between us unsure. His eyes land on me, I look down blushing trying to avoid eye contact so I don't say anything I don't mean too. "Are you okay baby?" Nat whispers to me.

"I'm fine really, lets go skate some more." I say smiling as I butt scoot Nat out of the table's bench trying to break the awkward tension.

"Well okay let's go then." Nat and Anne get up and we skate back over to the rink.

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