Chapter 11

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A/N Thanks to CSloveshiper16 for inspiring me to write another chapter even though I havn't written anything in a long time.

Liz's Point of View:

    Recap:"Are you okay baby?" Nat whispers to me.

"I'm fine really, lets go skate some more." I say smiling as I butt scoot Nat out of the table's bench trying to break the awkward tension.

"Well okay let's go then." Nat and Anne get up and we skate back over to the rink.

"I'm so glad we all decided to go skating today. I'm having fun." I say to Anne and Nat as we skate around the rink then over to Alex. Alex rolls right up to us and says.
   "Hi Anne how are you doing today?" They both smile at each other. "I'm doing great now that I'm with all my buds. I'm kinda hungry from skating to be honest. Want to go get a bite to eat with me at the snack counter?" Anne smiles at me knowing that if they both get food me and Nat will be alone. Alex looks at me and smirks thinking the same as Anne. He says" I'd love to since Nat didn't make me any pancakes this morning. Didn't think of his hungry brother only about Liz!"
  "In my defense I didn't know you were even home Alex. Plus you can make your own food I don't have to cook for you little bro." Nat says as he pushes Alex to the side and skates backwards as he talks."I wanted to cook my best friend breakfast not my fault you were to slow and we ate them all." We all laugh then Anne says " It's okay Alex I will get you some food and make sure you don't go hungry." She grabs his hand and they skate away.
  Nat and I skate in silence for a little bit just listening to the songs playing in the back ground.  The DJ stops the music and says "Alright we have a good request song here enjoy it kids!" The song 'Can you feel the love tonight' starts playing and I look over at the DJ booth and see Anne and Alex smiling at me. Ugh those to are so dead!  I look over at Nat and he's smiling then he grabs my hand and holds it. My face turns red as he squeezes my hand. "I love this song" Nat says. "It's so sweet and I love Lion King too obviously." I smile at him "Yes it's a great song and movie. I don't know what to say I never used to be nervous around him. Nat says" I'm glad they went to get food. We get to be alone some now. It's nice." He leans over and kisses my cheek.
   I'm blushing so hard now. I smile at him. "Yes it is nice. They can't see the constant blushing you are causing me right now."
Nat laughs" I think you look really cute Liz. I like making you blush it's adorable!"
"I think I look silly ugh!" I sigh. "I'm starting to get tired. Want to see if Alex is ready to go?" He nods and we head off the rink and over to Alex and Anne.
   "Hey guys you ready to leave Liz and I are getting tired. A can all head back to my place and make some real food and watch a movie." Nat asks them. "Sounds good to me. I got dropped off so can I catch a ride with you guys?"  Anne asks. "Not a problem we've got plenty of room." Alex says " Let's go take back our skates and head out."
We all take off our skates and return them to the counter and then go outside and get in the car and head back to Nat and Alex's house.

A/N alright I know it's not that long or that great but I havn't done it in a long time. I hope so ever is reading it enjoys it!
Thanks everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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