Chapter 9

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A/N Hey guys this story has taken off so quickly!! I'm super excited that it has so many reads! I can't thank you guys enough for all the support you guys give to this story! It means so much.This update isn't going to be that long but it gives an important part to the story. I hope you guys will like it!:P Let me know what you think!:P


Elizabeth's POV

Nat drives us to the roller rink in town. We listen to music, sing, and laughed the whole ten fifteenish minute drive there. We get there and get out of the car.

"Omg! I can't wait to go skating. Isn't this going to be fun guys?" I say while grabbing each of their arms and dragging them towards the door.

"Yeah totally! I can't wait. I'm going to skate circles around you, Liz!" Alex said with a chuckle. We enter the Roller Rink as I let go of their arms and punch Alex's arm.

"So not true! I'm great at skating. It shall be I that is skating circles around you Mr!"

"Ha-ha sure Liz if you say so!" Alex says while getting his blades from the man behind the skates counter. Nat grabs a pair for me and himself.

"Here you go, babe." He whispers to me passing me mine. I feel myself blushing wildly.

"Um thanks." I manage to squeak out. Alex looks at me for a second then says.

"Wow, Liz you okay? You look a little how do you say...... red." He says with a chuckle while putting on his blades.

"Shut up Alex!" I say while sitting down to put mine on, looking down trying to hide my blush. Alex continues laughing and gets up and goes over to skate. As I'm putting on my blades, I feel someone staring at me. I look up and lock eyes with Nat, he smiles at me and I quickly look down finishing putting my other blade on. I stand up and Nat is in front of me standing as well.

"You ready to go skating now." He says with a smile. I nod in response and follow him to the skating floor. Music is playing and disco lights are flashing and spinning. This place is so much fun! Once on the floor I find Alex going around the rink. So I skate over to him and start skating circles around him.

"And who did you say was going to be skating circles around who again, hmmmm?" I say with a laugh and Nat is laughing too as he skates along beside us.

"Oh haha okay okay. I'll give it to ya, you can skate." Alex says then skates away. He's such a dope but he's like my little brother. So hey you got to love him.

"Wow Liz. That was cool. I think you can skate better than me now." Nat says with a smile as we continue to skate around the rink.

"Awe thanks Nat. I missed skating it's been forever since we came here to just hang out." I say then space out remebering the last time I can remember being here.


(In 9th grade. The school skate party)

Wow this is going to be so much fun. Everyone from school is here. I wonder were Nat is? Oh there he is with the guys by the food table. I walk over to them.

"Hey guys!" I say while giving them each a hug. There's Nat, Alex, David, Nick, and Adam. These are my boys! Have been since preschool. As we are talking I notice Nat looks a little out of it. He barley was talking at all. I go over and stand next to him and whisper. "Nat are you okay? You look a little out of it." He looks at me and just shrugs his shoulders.

"No not really." he mumbles so I barely hear him. The guys have know noticed us talking and stop to listen.

"Guys what's the matter? Dude, Nat are you okay? Adam asks. the others just look at Nat waiting for an answer, as do I.

My Best Friend Or More??.... "MBFOM"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora