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Hey guys!! So I know I hav't uploaded in a long time. I'm editing all the chapters right now. I'm going to start the Chapter 6 after editing. So I can upload for you all soon!!

If I don't upload tonight then It will be either Friday or next weekend.

I still have finals at school and my last day Is friday!! I'm going to cry so much!! That mights sound weird to some of you. To cry over school being over but my school is amazing!!!:D

I already cried today after school on my bus because my big brother is a senior this year!!! He isn't really my older brother but that's what I call him. And he calls me his little sister:) Anyway today was the senior's last full day of school so on the bus he just held me and I cried into his chest for like a half hour. While rubbing comforting circles on my back and kissing my head. I'm going to miss him so much!!! :''''( I only get to see him tomorrow morning on the bus because the seniors have an early dimissal:( Plus he is going into the Navy after High School so I'm sad about that and I'm scared about it. So please pray for him.

Okay anyway Thanks for reading everyone!!!! I love you all!!! <3

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