Chapter 8: Oh brother!!-_-

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A/N Hey munchkins thanks so much for all of the comments on the last chapter! It means a lot to me when you guys tell me what you think:D

Okay so I have decided to start dedicating my chapters to a random commenter or follower from now on:)

So here is the much awaited chapter 8!!!!XD


Nat's POV

"NAT ARE YOU IN HERE!!!" I hear coming from the hallway. Oh great I was just about to kiss Liz. Why did the moment have to get ruined!-_- Now things are probable going to be weird between us. Thanks a lot Alex!

I look up and see Alex standing in the hallway staring at Liz on top of me on the kitchen floor.

"What is going on in here?"asks Alex questioningly eyeing up Liz and I's position. Liz quickly rolls off of me and we both jump up.

"Nothing. What do you want Alex?"I ask quickly, trying to avoid a weird conversation.

"Mom wanted me to check up on you." Oh yeah did I mention I have a brother.

"Since you didn't come home last night. I figured you would still be here. And I walk in on you two on the floor! With Liz on top of you , why is that, Nat?"

"She was just trying to get something out of my contact." I say.

"Um Nat you don't wear contacts." Liz says.

"Not helping!" I whisper while looking over at her. I see her blushing badly. Wow she is so embaressed right now. I feel so bad, but still she's really cute when she blushes. Come on Nat back to the situation at hand!

"We fell out of our chairs, laughing is all." I try again a little unsure. I mean it's the truth just not the whole truth.

"Yeah that's right. We....uh... just fell is all...Nothing else happened." Liz says while looking down still.

"Well I guess mom wants me to come home then?" I ask switching my attention back to Alex.

"She didn't say she wanted you to come home. You just didn't check in is all. She wanted me to see where you where."

"Well you could have called, you know?" I say a little upset that he ruined Liz and I's moment, by walking in on us.

"Yeah I know but I felt like hanging out with you guys anyways. So just deal with it bro!" He says with amusement.

"Oh yeah this could be fun!" Liz says as she runs up to Alex hugging him. "You haven't hung with us in a while."  she says then lets go of Alex and walks into the living room. Alex follows after and they sit on the couch. I follow and sit on the chair across from them.

"Okay well what should we do then Alex?"

"Well we could go skating at the roller rink. If you guys want" He suggests.

"Totally that's a great idea Alex! I haven't gone skating in a while!" Liz says while jumping up and down from her seat on the couch.

"Okay that sounds like fun." I say and stand up. "We just need to change before."

"I have some of your clothes here from last time you spent the night Nat." Liz says while standing up as well.

"Okay great." She walks upstairs and I follow after her to get my clothes.


Elizabeth'S POV

I walk up the stairs to get dressed and get Nat some of his clothes so he can change as well. I walk into my room, go over to my dresser, and get Nat a grey button up shirt and jeans. I give Nat his clothes. I open up the next drawer and pick out black leggings, a jean skirt, and a teal greenish blue sweater with the number 23 on it. The perfect outfit for skating.

I look over at Nat and freeze. He is just his boxers...... I look down and notice his abs. Gosh! Nat has abs...omg wow... Not that I haven't seen him shirtless before, but I have never actually looked at him like this before. Normally I don't mind changing in front of him, but I feel myself blushing just at the thoughts of Nat seeing me change. Ugh I shouldn't be bothered by this. I have changed in front of him since I was three, for crying out loud!

I look up and realized Nat is now in pants, but still shirtless. I am still staring at Nat. Did I just check out my best friend!? Wow first I almost kiss him not more than twenty minutes ago. Now I am checking him out! Nat looks over at me and tilts his head to the side giving me a lop-sided grin.

"Babe you okay?" he says My stomach flips when ever he said babe. I can't believe he is actually going to call me that!

'I'm fine just checking you out is all. Other than that I'm perfectly fine' Yeah because I could ever say that to Nat. "Nothing just um...zoning is all? I say more as a question than an answer.

"Okay" He says while pulling his shirt on. "Well I'll be downstairs with Alex when your ready. Okay baby?" He says with his signature smirk he normal wears. At least he is acting normal,well other than the nicknames like babe and baby. But I like that so its okay!

Once Nat leaves the room I quickly change into my out fit,  find my pair of black Toms, and brush my hair and throw it into a ponytail. I run downstairs and into the living room and see the boys on the couch watching TV. I hear a car pull into the driveway. That must be mom.

Mom walks into the house and I run and give her a hug. You see my mother is a business woman. She has been in Ohio for the past week.

"Hi honey how are you?" She says while still hugging me.

"Great just missed you is all!" I say with a smile on my face as i pull back from the hug.

"That's great sweety." I let her go she sees the boys on the couch.

"Hello boys. How are you?" Nat and Alex get up from the couch and give my mom a hug.

"Hi Anne I'm good" Alex says.

"Hello Anne. I'm good. How was your trip to Ohio?" Nat asks my mom.

"That's good. It went well, but I am beat! I'm heading to bed have a good day." she says before heading to the stairs.

"Wait mom." I say walking over to her. "Can I go skating with the boys today?"

"Sure sweety. Have fun." She gives me a hug, a kiss on the forehead, and heads back up the stairs."

I walk back over to the boys. "Alright let's go skating!" I say while grabbing Nat and Alex hands and pulling them out the door.


A/N Okay so I bet you guys thought Alex was a girl at first didn't you?!?! :P

I'm so excited to have 860 reads on this story!! It means alot thanks so much guys!!

I would love to know what you think so far! Please don't be a silent reader! I love all of you munchkins and I want to know what you think of my work.

So ttyl my loves xx thanks again

          xx Caitlain

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