Chapter 1

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Kurt's Point Of View

I was laying in bed, the light of my lightnight shining just enough for me to see the photo of me and Sebastian from the prior Halloween on my nightstand, we had dressed up like brides with me wearing Carole's wedding dress, and Sebastian wearing my mom's wedding dress, Nirvana and Dani were beside us dressed as grooms, it was a funny joke that Sebastian thought of, and when we showed up at his house to trick or treat, his parents were less than pleased, they did give us candy though.

Beside that was a picture that dad took while Sebastian was in a coma right after the car accident. I was sitting on the side of his bed with my hand wrapped around his. tears were in my eyes and if you didn't know what had happened, it would be a pretty sweet picture. there was also a picture of us a few days after we found out that Sebastian would never walk again, even though it was one of the worst things to ever happen to us, we had huge smiles on our faces. I don't even know why.

it was around midnight when my phone rang, I recognized the ringtone as Sebastian's. "hey baby, what's up?" I asked hearing small sobs on the other end of the line "they-they dis-disow-disowned me-me," Sebastian stuttered, sobs lacing each word. "what!?!" I asked sitting us straight, "the-they sa-said that I-I was-was an em-embarrassment for-for be-being crip-crippled," he said. not going to lie, I started to panic slightly.

"ok, ok, this is what I want you to do. call Nick and Jeff and have them come to your dorm and help you pack your stuff, I'm on my way, I'll be there by 4 am, you're going to live with me," I said, trying to calm both of us down, "o-ok, I-I lov-love yo-you," Sebastian said. "I love you too Bas, I'll be there soon," I said. "call Nick and Jeff now sweet one," I added before hanging up.

I threw my shoes and coat on, I left a note on the bedroom door of Dad and Carole before out the front door, the note I left simply said, Albert and Esme, disowned Sebastian. I'm going to go pick him up. don't know when I'll be back, love you, Kurt. I got into my car and threw it into drive faster than anything. I was thankful that Nick and Jeff were only a few dorms down from Sebastian and were willing to help him whenever he needed it. which was quite often like they'd get up at 4 am getting ready, and then go and help Sebastian get ready for his classes. and after a shit load of begging, we got the Dean to switch their classes so they could escort him to all his classes.

when I got to Dalton, Sebastian was outside already with Nick and Jeff on either side. I got out of my car and ran up to Sebastian, knelt in front of him, and wrapped my arms around him, letting him break down in my arms. "it's ok baby, your ok," I kept saying, rubbing his back. soon Sebastian calmed himself down and I thanked Nick and Jeff before getting Sebastian's bags into the back of my car before getting him into the passenger seat and putting his wheelchair in the back seat. "thank you, Kurt," Sebastian sniffled. "anytime Mon trésor," I smiled sadly rubbing his thigh like I got into the habit of doing over the three years we had been together

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