Chapter 10

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Sebastian's Point of View

"I HATE YOU SEBASTIAN LUKE SMYTHE!" my sister, Dorothy, screamed at me "YOU'RE THE WORST BROTHER I THE WORLD! NO THE UNIVERSE!" she added "I'm not your brother anymore Dorothy, you never bothered to come and see me when I was in a coma, you never came to see me when I woke up, hell, you didn't bother to see how I was doing, I did everything for you, Dorothy Anne Marie Smythe. but you know who was there, Kurt, Carole, Burt, Finn, Jesse, Nick, Jeff, Nirvana, Dani, Kori, and Tina. they are my family, I don't even need to ask Kurt, Nick, or Jeff for help when I need it, they love me no matter what, and all you never did was ask me to drive you places. so goodbye Dorothy." I said turning my wheelchair to face Kurt and the rest of the group "I hope you enjoy living with grandmere and grandpere," I added over my shoulder.

Kurt laughed slightly and kissed me before I (failed miserably to) pull him into my lap. my 'parents' had been sentenced to 20 years in state prison so we were going out to breadstix to fucking celebrate, "this is the first day of the rest of our lives without your parents Bas, how do you feel?" Kurt asked "amazing to be rid of those bitches," I sighed, leaning my head against Kurt's shoulder once we were in the backseat of Carole's minivan. "welcome to our fucked up, weird as hell family," Jesse said "thanks Jess," I laughed slightly. "yeah, welcomed to the family Seb," Burt said glancing at Kurt and I cuddling in the backseat, "thank you, Burt, it means a lot," I said. Kurt smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

that night, in bed Kurt and I finally lost our virginities, it was beautiful. after the accident, I was scared to have sex as I was scared that the thing downstairs wouldn't work the same anymore. and it doesn't, but it was magical in the way that, it was Kurt and me, I and Kurt, and nothing could change anything, it also made Kurt so happy and that was the magical part about it. it doesn't matter to Kurt that I don't work the same, he loves me no matter what and that's what made that first time the most magical thing ever.

Kurt and I were laying next to each other, both panting and pecking each other's lips gently as we recovered, "your the best thing that ever happened to me Kurt Elizbeth Hummel," I panted, "and you the best thing that ever happened to me Sebastian Luke Smythe, I love you," he said, "I love you too babe, don't ever forget that," I sighed "I love you to Bas-Bas," Kurt said lovingly. all I could do was kiss his pink lips lovingly as he pulled me closer to his chest, "go to sleep love, we're going to have a lot of fun tomorrow," Kurt said, I nodded as I felt the sleep drift over me and I fell asleep as Kurt kissed the top of my head

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