Chapter 9

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Kurt's Point of View

"and my next Witness will be Kurt Hummel," the prosecutor, a friend of Dad's named David Miller, said. I knew I was going to be called up to the stand but it still surprised me. I went to the front of the courtroom and was sworn in before the questioning started. I'm not going to lie, I was terrified, I have a thing for watching trials on TV and was fairly certain of the questions that I was going to be asked.

"Mr. Hummel at 12:07 am on September 4th, 2009 you received a call, may you tell the court who that call was from," Mr. Miller asked "it was from my boyfriend, Sebastian Smythe," I replied gesturing to Sebastian who was seated in the front row, "and can you please explain the events of the night from the phone call on?" Mr. Miller asked, I just nodded and took a breath before I started. I didn't really like retelling the story, and had only told it twice before then. but I knew it was important for the case and this would probably get Albert and Esme convicted.

"So when I picked up the phone I did the normal 'hey babe what's up' greeting, Sebastian was hyperventilating crying and stuttering that his parent's disowned him. it was like I had a plan for if this would happen, but I didn't, I threw my shoes on and while trying to calm Sebastian down I started getting ready to go, I wrote my father and step-mother a note then I grabbed the transfer board from my bedroom and then I told Sebastian to hang up and call our friends Nick Duval and Jeff Sterling to help him pack. I then ran out the door and drove to Dalton Academy which is about a 4-hour drive, when I got to Dalton, Sebastian was outside already with Nick and Jeff, I loaded Sebastian's stuff into the back of my car and then I transferred Sebastian from his wheelchair into the passenger seat of my car," I explained before I had to take a breath and compose myself, "then we went back to my house and went to bed," I added.

the questioning went on, Esme and Albert were glaring at me the whole time, but I tried to keep my eyes focused on Sebastian who was mouthing words of encouragement to me the whole time.

the defense Attorneys' questions were easier than the prosecutor's because well, there's not much to prove that they're innocent. we saved all the texts and stuff so we were fairly certain there would be the next day and then the closing statements. 

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