Chapter 7

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Jeff's Point Of View

I felt giddy as Nick and mine's shared car pulled up outside the Hudson-Hummel house, "calm the eff down Jeffy," Nick said laughing at how excited I was getting, "I can't" I said. both of our parents had been in contact with Burt and Carole and they had agreed to let us live there until we graduate, we mainly were transferring to McKinley so we could help Sebastian.

from what we heard there are only 3 people Sebastian trust's with helping him shower /go to the restroom/transfer him and that's Kurt, Nick, and I. from what Kurt had told us over the phone that he didn't know that Sebastian wasn't comfortable with other people helping him with stuff like that until Kurt was in the hospital for three days and Finn and Jesse had to transfer Sebastian (somehow their both to weak to transfer Sebastian on their own, where Kurt is smaller than all three and can easily transfer Sebastian on his own) and help him go to the bathroom. so in a way, Nick and I were coming to help Kurt more than anyone.

Nick and I walked up the front path and stood on the front doorstep for a few minutes until I let my excitement settle and then we opened the door and walked in (it was a surprise for Kurt and Sebastian so Burt and Carole told us not to knock). but when we entered the living room, we saw something we weren't prepared to see, and honestly, was one of the saddest things I had ever seen and probably will ever see in my lifetime.

on one couch, Jesse was holding Finn as he cried, on another, Sebastian was trying to comfort Kurt, while in one of the recliners, both Burt and Carole were inconsolable, "wh-what happened?" Nick asked, "the police found Kori and Tina shot dead In the park a few hours ago, and just now, Burt got a call that Nirvana and Dani were found shot to death in the same park," Jesse explained.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, they were all sweet, a little odd at times, but mostly sweet. and so young also. and now, they were gone, they were never going to have a wedding, kids, it was all gone. Nirvana, Dani, Kori, and Tina were gone. snuffed out of existence by some sicko who was going to get what they deserved.

I think I was going into shock because the next I remember is waking up in the bathtub with Nick pouring cold water on me. "babe, baby, Jeff, are you ok?" he asked patting my cheeks, "yeah, I'm fine Nicky," I said sitting up. "thank god," he sighed in relief, "what happened?" I asked still dazed, "you passed out, like 30 seconds after Jesse told us about what happened," he explained. 

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