Chapter 3

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(A/N: ok, so if any of y'all were wondering, Tina, Dani, and Jesse don't live with the Hummel-Hudon's but with all the time everyone's there, they practically are.)

Sebastian's Point of View

"KURT ELIJAH HUMMEL! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?!" Rachel screamed, Kurt and I were laying on the couch with my head in Kurt's lap, "Rachel, calm the heck down! I'll explain everything," Kurt said, "YOU BETTER EXPLAIN!" she yelled. Kurt helped me sit up and placed pillows around me so I wouldn't fall, "are you going to be ok?" he asked, "yeah, I'll be fine Kurt," I said, he kissed me before getting up and leading Rachel out of the room.

I couldn't hear what was going on, but I did hear Rachel hit Kurt and then storm out of the house, "are you ok?" I asked when Kurt walked back into the living room holding his cheek, "she slapped me... that bitch slapped me," Kurt said looking shocked as he came to the couch and sat down beside me, then he laid his head in my lap.

"what'd you say?" I asked, "I told her that we have been dating for three years and that we've been best friends for our whole lives, she then said I was bitch for not telling her, and so I told her that I didn't tell her because when I was ready to tell her the accident happened and I wanted to wait until you were recovered before I told anyone else about our relationship, she started crying and told me a was a horrible friend, she then slapped me and left," Kurt explained.

it was then that Carole decided to come into the living room "Maman Bar, Kurt got slapped by Rachel," I said, she froze for a minute obviously not expecting Rachel to hit anyone, "sweetie, can you let me see," she said coming over to take a look at Kurt's cheek, Kurt nodded and lifted his head off my lap and Carole took a quick look but you could tell she was shocked at the bruise that was now forming on his cheek, "oh it's pretty bad, I'll get some ice," Carole said, Kurt just nodded looking delirious. which started to concern me.

it was later that day and we were at the hospital, Carole was extremely concerned by now because he was barely responsive. Finn and Jesse transferred me into my freaking wheelchair while Burt and Carole got Kurt into the car, Kori and Tina were on a date and Nirvana and Dani were who knows where. I'm not going to lie, I was kinda panicked like I can't do anything to help Kurt if it's something serious, and that would be terrifying.

as soon as we got to the hospital, Burt ran In and got some nurses with a stretcher while Jesse and Finn transferred me into my wheelchair and we quickly followed behind as they rushed Kurt into the ER and ran some tests. "are you ok Bas?" Burt asked, "yeah, just terrified," I said, 

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