Chapter 3

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"He's hotter than hot!" Ino whisper-shouted as she abruptly turned to face Sakura. The latter slightly jumped, startled by the sudden burst of energy of her friend.

Kakashi-sensei had just left the class for the lunch break so everyone could wander around the school as they wished.

"I'm fine Ino, thank you! And you? How are you doing?" Sakura sarcastically said. Ino rolled her eyes.

"I've already greeted you this morning," Ino countered. "And this is not what matters!" This time, Sakura was the one to roll her eyes.

The entire morning Sasuke had been in surely everyone's mind. And even if the pinkette didn't want to admit it, she was one of these people. The man intrigued her. Usually, she would really care about newcomers. She would welcome them with arms wide open but that was all. She would not pay more intention. But this Sasuke was different. He was familiar yet so mysterious. She felt like she had already seen him before yet it was the first time she actually meet him. The frustration of knowing and not knowing at the same made her glance nonstop at the raven. The more she looked at him, the more Sakura was convinced that she knew his face. But where? How? That she did not know. The answers stayed unbeknownst to her.

"Why don't you go talk to him then?" Sakura asked. "You are already so besotted," she teased.

"Well, I would have if he wasn't attacked by almost half of the class," Ino shrugged. Sakura moved her gaze to her right, where the raven was sitting at the back of the class, by the wall row. Almost every girl of the class and a few boys, Naruto being one of them (he the ultimate social butterfly) with a not-so-interested Shikamaru by his side, were gathered around the desk of the new student. "I don't want to go now. He must feel suffocated by all these people,"

"How so considerate of you," Sakura chuckled.

"Why don't you go?" Ino asked back. Sakura found it suddenly hard to hold a gaze. The garden outside the school was strange more interesting now.

"Why should I...?" Sakura asked, suddenly uneasy. Ino just shrugged at that.

Truth be told, Sakura was way too embarrassed to just even speak a word to the new student. Earlier in the day, caught in her inner searches of where and how she knew Sasuke, she kept glancing at him.

And he caught her.

When she thought she had finally found her answer (which turned out to be false), she discreetly moved her eyes to eye him. Shock and shame took over her when she crossed his dark obsidian eyes. He was already looking at her. Maybe he had felt her gaze on him? Who knew? But one thing for sure, Sakura looked away faster than possible. Pink coloring her creamy cheeks, she stared at her desk for the rest of the class, occasionally looking at the board. She would feel a stare burning on her side. But she was too ashamed to check. And she was not even sure if Sasuke was staring nor if it was only a trick of her mind. Either way, literature classes seemed to be the greatest subject ever taught at the moment.

"Hey, girls," Sakura heard, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Wanna eat lunch?" Hinata asked as she stopped by the two girls' desks.

"Yeah, I'm starving!" Ino said as she stood up.

"Same," Sakura mimicked her. "I haven't prepared a bento,"

The three girls, purse in hand, headed out of the classroom. But just before leaving, the pinkette stopped by the door.

"Naruto, Shikamaru," she called, catching their attention. "We'll be eating at the cafeteria," she informed.

"We'll meet you there in a few," Naruto said in his usual joyful tone.

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