Chapter 7

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"You... you mean this legend is the story of your clan's birth?" Sakura asked, dumbfounded.

"Every Uchiha knows this legend," Sasuke nodded. "As the paper fan (Uchiwa) is the symbol of our clan, and fire, our element. Fire is a synonym of destruction but rebirth as well. The Uchiha clan rose from the ashes of our ancestors and tamed the fire that once killed them. The Uchihas reappropriated fire thanks to the paper fan Amaterasu gifted them with. Hence why the color red is our color. That is why there is a red and white paper fan here," he added, pointing at the paper fan drawn behind the Nemesis.

Sasuke could not be mistaken. He had heard this story countless times. It was the story his mother told him before putting him to bed, it was the story the elders told during family reunions, it was the story told when someone needed support and cheers, it was the story the Uchihas were the proudest of. But this story was only known by the Uchihas. So how did the Harunos know about it?

"That cannot be just a coincidence...," Sakura muttered. "But it's... Way too improbable...,"

"And yet here I am," Sasuke muttered to himself, staring at the legend book. "Your clan and mine are somehow related. I don't know how but these similarities are the proof. If I want to go back to my world, I'll need your help,"

Sakura stared at him, confused.

"Wait- your... "world"?" she repeated in shock.

"Believe it or not, this Tokyo is not mine," he only said.

"Not yours?" she repeated again. "Like... you're from another universe or something?"

"Hn," the raven boy.

"But that's not possible," she said, frowning.

"Just like both our clans sharing obvious similarities?" he lifted his eyebrows. Sakura did not answer anything. He was right and she knew it.

"You're gonna help me," he then said.

Even though Sasuke hated to ask for help, he had no choice. It was clear to him that the two of them shared some kind of link. Alone, he would not find his way back home.

Sakura abruptly looked up at him, eyes wide.

"Me? Why?" she asked but instantly regretted asking such a dumb question when she saw his look that seemed to say "are you really being serious right now?". "I mean, I won't be of so much help. I know nothing about multiverse or... quantum or I don't know. Anything I know is from The Flash or Marvel movies,"

Sasuke was glad to hear DC series and Marvel movies were still a thing here. Even though he was not that much of a fan, seeing similarities with his world was reassuring. He wouldn't be very homesick or completely in the unknown.

"And what makes you think you are from another world?" Sakura then asked. "Maybe there's another explanation,"

Sasuke sighed. He did not really like being doubted on but he understood her skepticism. What he told her sounded unreal and impossible.

"I woke up in an entirely new place overnight," he said. "I was then a transferred student in a new school and my guardian completely vanished. I have no way to contact him and my old apartment is now used by some families. So yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not my world," he explained, sounding quite harsh.

Yet Sakura did not take it the wrong way. After hearing what he just said, he must be very frustrated and lost. She was actually very impressed by how he was handling the situation. If she was him, she would have completely freaked out, maybe even broke down in tears due to fear. But Sasuke appeared to be calm and composed. He had fairly good self-control.

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