Chapter [01]

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Chapter One - Abience

Chapter One - Abience

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You'd think being a woman and having money is easy, but no. Before all of that, you always have to have enemies.

Preferably alot.

Everyone knows ruling the world is a girls dream, she'd kill a person to rule the world. And yes, I'm not even gonna lie, I'm that kind of person.

If I had to choose someone to kill to rule the world, it'd be him.

I'd even kill him without a reason.

But let's all just agree. Men are a menace to society, we can't trust them.

Even with so little things, some of them can fuck up. They'd manage to make things harder then how it already is.

But I'm no professional at these types of men. I don't know alot about them.

Let's just be honest. Woman can rule this world without men, and you have to agree.

I mean , what can a guy do that a girl can't? Except pee when standing up.

"Miss Arya, Mr.Conzer is calling you to his office" My assistant, Chloe, answered with a faint knock on the door to my office.

My father made a business, specifically 5 years ago. When I turned 21, he made me work for him, not forcefully he made me make a decision,but ofcourse, I didn't refuse. What type of person would refuse to work for someone who's rich as fuck, but I'll give myself a minus since it's my dad.

You may ask "What type of work do you do??" well it's actually simple.

I work for my father who has a limited company. Limited companies offer limited liability - which means that the business, rather than its owners or managers, enters into contracts, and employs people.

There are two types of limited company: private limited companies and public limited companies. The former are often small businesses that don't trade on the stock exchange, while the latter are usually well-known businesses that do.

I sigh, preparing myself as I stood up.
Having a very strict and high-classed father, isn't always amazing. I would even be glad if he approved of my style.

I clear my throat, preparing myself on what is like a lecture on how I didn't do this and that.

I softly knock on the door, with a small call out 'Dad?' the response took a while before I hear a faint 'come in' on the other side of the door.

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