Chapter [05]

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Chapter Five - Dusk And Lust

Chapter Five - Dusk And Lust

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After what happened at the Shooting Range, I assure you I almost passed out. It wasn't wasn't good either. He's not a bad Kisser, not gonna lie, but I still hate him. But I'm still wondering why he wanted to kiss me in the first place.

Madison acted like she was mad, but I knew her. It made her happy, she wanted us to hook up. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to cry or laugh in joy.

I don't know what I got myself into. After the whole kissing scene, it became one of those moments in movies. I wanted him to be Regina George so when I push him away, he could get hit by a bus. It was a Bonnie And Clyde moment, but I wanted to kill him instead.

Since mads found out what happened to bonnie and Clyde, all she did was fangirl on how she wanted to have a man like that.

And if you guys didn't know. Bonnie Elizabeth Parker (October 1, 1910 – May 23, 1934) and Clyde Chestnut Barrow (March 24, 1909 – May 23, 1934) were an American criminal couple who traveled the Central United States with their gang during the Great Depression, known for their bank robberies, although they preferred to rob small stores or rural funeral homes. Their exploits captured the attention of the American press and its readership during what is occasionally referred to as the "public enemy era" between 1931 and 1934. They are believed to have murdered at least nine police officers and four civilians.

They were a bad ass couple, and icons, not gonna lie.

Madison has been asking me on why I haven't found a 'man' yet. I've been telling her that I wasn't in a place where I can fit a relationship, but of course, she didn't believe that. She believes that I'm only single because I'm waiting for Harry to quote-on-quote 'wreck-that-bussy'.

I don't know whats going on in her mind, but she's a woman in her twenties waiting for her panties to be twisted. Don't call me old cause I sometimes don't understand what she says, but seriously, it's because of that damn phone.

After that makeout session, we spent our day mostly shooting cardboard targets with guns we'd like to kill each other with.

It's weird, but sometimes, I would feel Harry just staring at me. We would exchange glances, but the weirdest thing is that he didn't even said one word about what happened, he didn't run his tongue on how I'm annoying or stupid, which is weird.

After that, I find myself being left alone by madison because her father called on how she needed to come home for something important.

I'm pretty sure it was an excuse

Madison wanted to test me, so she offered taking niall home, after asking him where he lived. Before I could even ask why I couldn't come with, she left me alone with Harry.

Strangely enough, he let me ride with him. But we stayed quiet, not talking, it wasn't awkward, but it was uncomfortable, and he noticed. Quickly enough, he put some music on.

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