No Book 4!

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For those who just finished book 3, don't panic 😂 There IS going to be a book 4...just (maybe) not here.

Yes, book 4 got published, but because I disappeared for a whole year after that for personal reasons explained on book 4, I decided to un-publish the only chapter that I've written and posted on that book.

However there are two notes in there that are very important to me and basically explains what's been going on and why I've been gone for so long, as well as what I'm planning to do with this book series moving forward. So go ahead and read that after this if you guys would like.

For those who don't, long story short, I left my toxic home and am living with my best friend and her parents. Because of personal circumstances tho, I'm moving next year in march (fingers crossed) with two other friends of mine. Just us 3. Trying to make our lives more happy and self care focused.

As I said in the post on book 4, I won't be in here as much, as I don't find Wattpad entertaining? anymore. This app is collecting dust in my phone in a "other things" folder lol.

Anyway, I do plan on re-writing this book series to the way I've been actually wanting to do it. I just don't like how this has all been written anymore considering I started writing this...freshman year of high school? So like, I was 14 💀 I am now 21 about to be 22 in a couple of weeks.

And to be honest, the plot? Gone. A blur in my mind at this point. I barely remember where I was going with this series. 50% lost.

The point tho is, that I'm moving to AO3. Books 1 through 3 will be re-written and published there. However, I've been thinking, after I finish rewriting each book, I COULD come back in here and update the old ones into the re-written books so that those who don't read on AO3 can enjoy it too.

I do this because I love you guys my original readers from day one and my new ones, who again, I'm so sorry you guys found this book in such bad circumstances 😭 but hopefully old readers as well as new readers stick around for the new and improved books!

Hmm I feel like I wanted to say more but I also feel like I'm dragging this on...

Oh right! Any announcements from here on out will be posted on THIS book and on my profile. Book 4 will be completely gone off Wattpad in a month just so everyone can have time to go read the two announcements on there and understand my situation better. Other than that, I'm not touching that book or posting anything on it from here on out until all 3 books have been re-written.

In the mean time, feel free to leave questions for me and I will answer them as soon as I can! Cant wait to talk to you all again! 💜

How You Became A Hero 3 ~ MHA (Midoriya Izuku X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now