The Mystery

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"Paku, Shadow, stop telling my friends about my secret." Ash was then interrupted by a loud noise. He screamed, "What in the world!"

As the dust cleared, a few armed rocket grunts were revealed. They said, "Ash Ketchum, come with us without struggling , unless you want a painful death".

Ash replied, "Yeah? Bring it on."

Ash somersaulted into the air, then pulled out two M9s and shot the rocket goons in the face. When he landed, he pulled out a ton of combat knives and threw them at the enemy. He pulled out his ACR heartbeat sensor and located more of the grunts and took them out. Then, he pulled out a weapon glove which had all elemental motion which had the ability to shoot out a crane. It was perfect. It could change into many different weapons such as, a sword, a cannon, a rocket puncher, a missile shooter, a hammer, a sickle, a knife, a staff, a spear, and a katana.

He chose ice motion and froze the rest of his enemies.

Ash's friends' eyes were bulging out of their heads. Not only did he manage to defeat Team Rocket's goons, he also possessed high-tech weapons like his glove.

Ash felt an invisible punch to his chest, he brought his hand up to feel where he had got hit. When he looked at his hand, there was blood on his fingertips... He had been shot by a sniper... His friends screamed, "ASH!!" Ash fell down and turned into ashes. His friends fell to their knees, they'd only just got away from traitors when he died. Tears streamed down their faces, they didn't know what would happen next. They had no idea what would happen in the future, and what had happened in the past. They didn't even know that their friend, their crush, their boyfriend was still alive.....

After Ash teleported to his home, Shadow was there. He said to him "Seriously, brother? You exposed yourself outside of your old house with no defense, and then let yourself get shot by an enemy just to fake your death? Really?"

Ash chuckled, "Yeah you could say that, plus I can't think of anything but to fake my death like 'this."

"Dude seriously? You totally forgot about your friends, if you go back out there, they will kill you for faking your death.

Ash's face went pale "Oh shit, I totally forgot about that," his face changed into a worried expression. 'Darn it, I am so doomed.'

"And you forgot about the traitors. If you ever show up alive, they will seek revenge," Shadow stated.

"Oh right," Ash's eyes turned golden red, "If those traitors try to steal my pokemon, hurt my family or Paku in the future,they are going to hell."

'Well they are going to hell cuz you know I can foresee the future, well....they did everything I mentioned so you need to... well... ready your weapons because it will happen in five years time," Shadow reminded him.

Ash's eyes widened, "Wait... What! They will actually do all the things you said?! Oh snap, this is going to be so bloody.' He gave a devilish smirk.

As Shadow watched his brother's smirk, he started to tremble but he tried to act brave. In the end his knees gave out. He said "Ash, can you just stop smirking? I'm going to end up in the hospital if you keep on smirking like that.'

Ash stopped smirking, he asked, 'Is my smirk really devilish?'

Shadow screamed 'HOW IN THE HELL IS IT NOT?!!! You look like you want to DESTROY the whole world, mate.'

'Oh, 'Ash smiled sheepishly.

As Ash stopped smirking, Shadow took a deep breath and calmed back down, he patted his chest to slow down the beating of his heart.

Suddenly, there was a beep followed by a voice that said, 'Master Ash, Master Shadow, the Dark Force are invading the city, the governor is calling you for help.If you don't help you'll regret it Masters.'

Ash and Shadow immediately teleported to the place where the Dark Force was attacking. They saw the Dark Force raging in the city, and Ash asked Shadow, 'Hey mate, do you think that we should give them a taste of our true power?'

Shadow replied 'Hell yeah!'

They both took out a morphing belt.The morphing belt was only for the best eight elemental users. Ash and Shadow were the most powerful out of them as only they alone could control the Sun and the moon, the most powerful protectors.

A protector is like a kamen rider but there are more differences than similarities.They use the powers of the planets from outer space to defeat the Dark Force.The Dark Force is the enemy of the protector, they wanted to conquer the world but were always stopped by the protectors.

Ash and Shadow pulled out a cassette with a sun and moon shape on it.They slammed the morphing cassette into their morphing belt.They both shouted 'Let's Rock!'

Their bodies morphed into an armor of red and yellow. Ash's armor had the shape of the sun on his chest, a spiky red glove, a spinning blade on his leg, and finally, a scabbard for his sword.

Shadow's armor had the shape of the moon on his chest, a clawed yellow glove, a razor sharp knife shooter on his leg and finally, another scabbard for his sword.The two scabbards were sculpted from crystal and are imbued with magic. They can turn into a pair of M9 guns or a powerful shotgun.

They both had swords that resembled the planets they controlled. They had the power to destroy worlds with just a strike without any effort from the user.The swords could also combine to create the most destructive weapon in the galaxy.

The execution of their enemy had begun... Ash used the power of the sun to create a deadly laser to burn a path through many of the heavily armoured dark forces.

Shadow then created a beam of lighting storing its energy into his trusty sword, he then threw a gigantic slash towards the remaining enemies, causing them to turn into nothing but grey ash.

The enemies turned pale, they screamed and tried to run, but no one was going to let them go. Ash summoned lava from the earth and made it rain down on his enemies, burning them to a cinder.

Shadow then summoned thousands of electrically charged meteors sending them crashing down to Earth. .Ash and Shadow then created a bomb on top of the enemies' base and teleported before it exploded.

the governor phoned them and screamed 'Dude! You two destroyed half of the city including my favourite house! I'm gonna deduct your salary to pay for the repairs in my city!

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