Old Aces Back On track, Part 3

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God, a talk with Arceus is definitely tiring, I was just having a talk with the God of All which I can rival with my power. It's still shocking to me that my power can rival his.

I was walking through the Hall of Origins when all of a sudden, a scream caught my attention. It was very loud because from what I just felt, the pokemon was from Earth, and when a scream is sent to the Hall of Origins, it can only be a legendary pokemon. I flashed quickly to the location and saw some pokemon being poached by the most powerful poacher-Hunter J. Most surprisingly of all, she had even caught a shiny mew which is the rarest pokemon besides Arceus. A shiny has the potential to surpass Arceus as it does not have a shiny form, therefore, he had a weakness. A shiny mew, but how was Hunter-J capturing it?

Just then I heard a familiar sound, and suddenly, I remembered, they were my old arch nemeses who tried to capture the infinity stone god, me. They wanted my power.

They smirked, 'With this bait, he will come and we are prepared, and you can get the pokemon, J.

Hearing those words, J smirked, 'This pokemon is gonna make me rich,' she said with a manic smile. Hearing about selling a pokemon makes my blood boil, pokemons are creatures with life and intelligence and you only want to use them for profit, even worse, you tried to aid my nemeses you are dead J', thinking that, I sprung into action.I threw Luxary's pokeball, after a lot of intensive training from me, he could rival Arceus, but of course I did not use abusive methods, I care for him a lot.

He came out of the pokeball, then started to stretch his body, luckily I hid us with my invisibility, if not he would have blown my cover, I whispered at him.

He rolled his eyes, then one thing that made me nearly cough out blood, 'Well, I was in that stupid ball for a long time, and you having fused the Luxury ball with the cherish ball, so yeah. Anyway,fresh air is the best and even if there are enemies, you could just turn us invisible and form a sound barrier,Bruh.'

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this sassy comment.

'You know, my dear friend, how about we just fight already?' I said weakly....

Alright, alright, chill, I will, okay??'

I could probably vomit blood because of my own pokemon's sassiness.

Anyway, I sent Luxary out to massacre all of the grunts, all of my nemeses, I couldn't wait to see the expression when they saw all their grunts and equipment destroyed along with their power source. That would be fun to watch indeed.

Storm, my pikachu whom I got when I started my journey, has stayed with me no matter what. After betrayals and losing leagues, he has remained loyal to me. If he were to betray me, I would sense it. Storm and all my pokemons are my best friends, and would always be my best partners.

As I was saying, Luxary had already started to move, he suddenly lashed out and didn't give them any time to react. Then with the skill of invisibility, I struck all their vital points with my blade and that happened to be very bloody, but as I had hardened my emotions, I didn't really care about blood. What happened next was bloody. I stabbed one person, then pulled the knife up, cutting him in half, then I threw the knife at another grunt, hitting him in the head. I jumped and gave him a kick making the knife go through his head and successfully hit another person. I'm a crazy guy, ain't I? I had attached some cables to my watch and with one button, this knife returned to me, as it returned, I swung it around me, creating a defensive shield much like the pokemon move, spike shield, damaging enemies who tried to attack me, and also killing them in the process. Finally, my nemesis realised who was attacking him and his teammates, he grinned maniacally, 'HAHAHAHA, COME ON OUT ASH KETCHUM! GIVE US THE INFINITY STONES AND WE WILL SPARE YO...'Not finishing the whole sentence, I used my special skill for killers. I took out my pistol, then started using it like a gatling gun and every bullet hit. Finally, some peace, no more idiots trying to take my power...

Anyway, I let out every pokemon that J had captured, when suddenly, Arceus appeared.

I was kinda confused even though I saved a shiny Mew who had the potential to overtake his power, he shouldn't have even left the Hall of Origins.....unless it was somebody 'IMPORTANT' to our dear god Arceus...

Wait a minute, there is no way that this could happen right? No freakin way.

Seeing my shocked expression, Arceus blushed so hard that he turned into his water form to cool himself.

"Yes, Ash, this shiny mew is me and my dear wife, Mew's child.

With that information, I, Ash ketchum, hereby left this world, yeah just kidding, but I did faint so yeah.Yada yada

So yeah, I fainted.

After a few hours, I found myself waking up in the hall of origins, and my pokemon were chuckling after hearing the whole story. They didn't know that I knew that they had fainted too.

The shiny mew talked to me.'Hey, my name is Neo, thanks for saving me and helping me reunite with my parents, I couldn't find the way back to the hall of origins so I was lost in the human world, and after staying there for a few decades,I was captured by that stupid pokemon poacher,'saying that, Neo's eyes were burning with so much hatred that I was starting feel a little scared.

Seeing my fear, Neo finally calmed down.We continued to talk until Arceus when Mew appeared.

'Ash, so yeah, please take care of Neo....'

I was confused why they would say that, 'Why?'

'Cause from now on, Neo is your pokemon, and one more thing, he has already agreed to this so you can't say no.

After Neo heard that, he smirked in a good way, from now on you're my trainer Ash, promise to take care of me and not abuse meeeee.

I shook my head, 'Nah, I wouldn't abuse you cause every pokemon should be respected and not judged by their colour..

He grinned, "Alrighty."

After that, he entered my cherish ball. What a day! I got the legendary shiny mew as my friend and pokemon, let's start our new journey.

Alright guys, I am gonna say that this story in the last few chapter, i said ash and shadow got two god powers, well that is only for once asa an emergency, they would use the gods power again because they wanna use their own powers, as their own is always better than others.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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