The Realisation and the powers unleashed

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Ash and Shadow sighed, suddenly an alarm rang. 'Master Ash, Master Shadow, please report to the CIA and MI6 Legend Unit.' The pair immediately rushed to the hideout which was in their base. They were given a file and were shocked when they saw what was in it.

They quickly packed their guns, signature weapons, and the necklace they cherished and they teleported to the target which was Team Rocket's base.

Ash and Shadow hacked into the base, forcing the entrance to open. They then took out their USB and copied the data from the base. They were caught red-handed because after they copied the data, some idiots came in and tried to assault Ash and Shadow. Shadow deadpanned, and said 'Seriously guys? We just wanna get some data and escape from here and leave you guys in peace, But really? Are you asking us to kick your ass and kill you?'

Ash sighed, 'I am pretty sure they are a bunch of idiots who want to commit suicide....'

The grunts charged at the pair, Ash and Shadow sighed and demolished them all with a single punch. Suddenly they were sucked into two respective realms for them. There was the god of fire and the god of lighting in each realm. They both said 'Ash/Shadow, we are the god of fire and lighting, and now we shall pass our powers onto you. Protect the world and destroy all the evil in the, I should say in the galaxy! Go, new gods, make sure to demolish every evil team!'

Before Ash and Shadow were sent back to their realm, their birthplace, the gods awakened their true power. They opened their reddened and yellowed eyes and let out a scream.

They charged at their enemies and viciously attacked them...

Shadow the power of lighting power to run so fast that he turned invisible and he rained down heavy blows upon the grunts.

Ash used the power of fire and threw a thousand flaming punches to burn his enemies into his name, 'Ash'.

Ash created a thousand flaming meteors and sent them crashing into his enemies, Shadow used a similar technique but using the power of lighting. Their enemies feared their power so much that they soiled themselves.

Ash and Shadow created a sword of fire and lighting and used every move they had learned in their sword-fighting class when they became the top agents.

They used the 'spinning tornado', a special move which the sword-holder spins himself with the sword. The weapons must be strong enough to withstand the force of this move, otherwise, the blade of it will be wrecked. They also used 'The god's rising', a swinging uppercut. It allows the user to disappear into the ground and perform a sudden slash while also uppercutting! This move can be strong or weak because if the user is weak, they can't even kill a defenceless soldier. They then used 'Charging Tornado', a move that turns the user into a tornado and charges at the enemies, it won't stop unless the user stops. Nobody can master this forbidden sword technique because normally people can't stop and they end up spinning themselves to death. However, Ash and Shadow have the power of gods, so they can execute this maneuver with ease.

Lastly, they used 'Dragon Charge', you need to create a dragon to fuse with your sword, and jump up into the air, stabbing at the enemies place, the dragon fused with your sword will charge at them.

Then, one of his pokeballs shook. Ash sent his Lucario out, and Shadow sent his Blaziken.

Lucario became angry when he saw the TR grunts, he said to Blaziken, "Lucar Lucario, allow me to fight them myself". Without waiting for Blaziken's reply, he charged at the TR grunts. There was a reason why he was so angry, they were why his master had gone into hiding.

He used the forbidden techniques that his master had taught him. He used Assault Punch, a move that is at risk of backfiring if the user cannot control it.

Luckily, Lucario is powerful enough to control these forbidden techniques.

Then, he used Assault Kick. This move is similar to Assault Punch, but the user jumps high into the sky and performs a spinning inflicts massive damage during the attack After that, he then used another forbidden move called.

d metal-cluster-blast, it is a move that is destructive enough to make Ash sweat. This move could KO every pokemon with one hit, even the legendary creator of the world, Arceus. It summons a huge metal ball that is sent blasting toward the enemy. Lucario then used the Ultimate move, The God of Aura, BLAST. That scared the rest of the enemies to run away.

.Next It was Blazkien's turn, FIrst, he used the move, Fire Pledge, to create a fire prison to trap the enemy and burn those who try to escape. His next move was a high jump kick with blaze kick. This kick creates a vortex of fire that forcefully pulls the enemy within, incinerating them.

Ash and Shadow used their respective fire and lighting elemental powers to dispose of, and burn all the corpses. It was not a pretty sight.

The smell of burning flesh filled the air, thick smoke blocked out the daylight as the remnants of their enemies danced towards the ground as nothing but grey ash.

It had been an exhausting fight as Ash and Shadow returned to their base and slept for a whole night.

The next day, Ash woke up early and went to train with Lucario. He taught Lucario to perform some of his favourite forbidden aura moves. One such move was, 'The God's Aura Blade, he activated Lucario's, Aura God Mega evolution form, a form far more powerful than mega evolution.

After training, Ash made breakfast for himself and Shadow. After Shadow woke up, they had a marvelous meal.

Then Ash trained with Shadow until dawn, they tired themselves out a lot.

Suddenly, Ash was alerted by his alarm. One of the regions was under attack. He suited himself up and teleported there. Upon arriving, Ash realised it was Alola, the place where he had gained his first champion title. When he found out the pokemon that was being attacked was a female Arceus, he went berserk because Ash recognized this was the Arceus he was in love with before. He fell in love when he saw her come out to retrieve her father after he fainted when Ash had managed to calm him down after a rage in Sinnoh.

He was madly in love with her but he chose Pakura over her.Nowhe found out his girlfriend Pakura had been asked out by her childhood crush Shiki Kurobane and she said yes. That time he was heartbroken. He sighed, knowing that that memory was too sore. He immediately attacked the criminals.

But then Shadow stopped him, he managed to arrive just in time to demolish the evil. He and Ash used the techniques they had been learning since they were 3 months old.Shocking isn't it, two gods learning techniques since they were newborns.

Nobody ever noticed that they were actually training secretly. Ash used the Eagle Strike, a jumping kick with a claw strike. Together with Shadow, they attacked them with a thunder combo, which meant the enemy kept getting struck by lightning. He also broke their balls with a vicious kick.

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