Old Aces Back On Track, Part 2

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Another Flashback

Well, I guess this is pretty good. As I was talking, I walked through the Viridian Forest, trying to find my old pokemon, Pidgeot, she was my first flying type and was very powerful. Pidgeot was very close to me, but unfortunately she was to be released due to some reasons. I was very sad and still haven't gotten over it...

I wanted to visit her as she could not leave here but I could still see her.

Today, I was on my way to visit Pigeot when suddenly I heard a cry of anger coming from the depths of the woods, it was actually a scream of agony.I quickly rushed deeper into the forest when suddenly a bunch of pokemon ambushed me. I sighed, 'So you felt in danger because I'm near, and everytime I come here, danger must be caused upon you guys right?'

They growled, speaking pokemon language, luckily I am an aura guardian so I could understand what they were talking about. They finally stopped bothering me when they found out who I was. Being Arceus' chosen one has its perks, but they came here to ask for help, and it was because the superior of the forest had gotten a severe injury as he was trying to defend this forest. He was a great leader to be honest because he only treated all the pokemon with kindness, and he even saved them from the former evil leader. He did not even want to be the leader, but the other pokemon needed to force the title onto him.Such a humble and kind pokemon! But now he has fallen sick and is suffering from a deep slash across his body from his rival.

As they are both Luxarys, their claws are extremely sharp and deadly, especially if infused with electricity.

This injury would leave a scar even though the leader had executed some impressive defence manoeuvres.

From what I can remember, this is what happened. I rushed into the forest only to find a puddle of blood coming out of the luxary, I quickly rushed to it and used the aura of life and nature. Lightning pokemon are born from nature, and his type is electric. As lightning is a type of electricity and a part of the life aura, healing him took the hella energy out of me, and by the time I had finished, I was exhausted.

I then dodged a surprise attack which was just an angering technique to make me angry which was successful, but it did not go well for them. I rushed into an enemy and threw a dragon spear at them at point blank range. My eyes twitched and I suddenly pulled out an energy gun that I had created myself. It was a bit hard to control, but normal people that do not have permission to hold his gun would die as it would probably explode. It was the worst weapon that his enemies would ever face. It was not like an RPG, but rather a machine gun with the power of an RPG, or maybe stronger.It was smaller than a rocket, but more effective as this gun does not have recoil, I spun my gun, time to work. I shot at them from different directions, and because the energy bullets have locking targets, it would never miss. They thought I wasn't shooting at them, but when they started to roar with laughter, they got hit. The bullet exploded on impact and the injuries they got were similar to the Luxary that they had attacked, but much more serious.They rolled their eyes and fainted which I found amusing...

I immediately checked on Luxary, he has healed while I was fighting. Surprisingly, he had learnt the move, 'recover' during this which surprised me, because normal Luxarys could not learn recover as it was hard and not their type, but this Luxary could do so. I certainly hope he will be better than this healing state later.

A moment later

Luxary started to stir, I looked at him hopefully as without him, this forest would go into a rampage, hunting me, my friends and my pokemon. It would suck having tribes of pokemon hunting you and some could even defeat the weakest legendary pokemons. Luxary could already beat the middle level of the legendaries and it was only one year before he was born. He has already grown to this type of power level, which surprised me because most of my pokemon are like that, powerful and able to aid me into the PAL league.

Thinking about PAL makes me really sad because that was where I met my ex-girlfriend Pakura.Thinking about her betrayal hurts me most. But back to our mission.

Luxary had finally woken up, then out of nowhere a bullet was racing towards my head. Seeing his saviour on the verge of getting shot, he dashed in front of me and sacrificed himself to save my life.

I started to get angry, and I mean out of control, I used my psychic aura to hypnotise the enemies and made them commit suicide. I cried for the pokemon that bravely saved me from a deadly attack, because if that bullet had hit me, my self-regenerative powers would just heal the wound leaving the bullet inside. I would surely die from it as the bullet contained an extremely rare substance that would counteract my immortality. Even though Luxary died, none of the pokemon had put the blame on me which made me feel ashamed. I was their only hope to save Luxary but I had failed them, I really was a failure.

All of a sudden, Arceus appeared, every pokemon bowed down to him, but when they saw Arceus looking at Luxary, they started to get emotional.

Arceus sighed, 'Raise your heads my creations, may your leader arise,' with that word, Luxary was revived.

I sighed, 'Finally, this war has ended for all the pokemon. Do you guys know that other forests are going crazy because of this battle?'

The pokemon chuckled nervously, 'Um, chosen one, can you help us to calm them down? If not, we will probably receive a beatdown from them.'

I shook my head, 'If I don't, they will probably kill you guys which I do not want to see.'

I used my aura to calm the pokemon down, and I went back to work, but just as I was about to leave, Luxary stopped me, 'Ummm, can I join your team?'

I was shocked, 'As he was extremely powerful.I asked, 'Why?"

He replied, 'Well, you used your life to save me, plus I must admit, you are more powerful than me and I could also get stronger.'

'How do you know that I won't abuse you?'

He said one thing which shocked me, 'Because you are the kindest trainer I have ever met and also the last one', saying that he touched one of my cherish balls.

After that we formed a good team and our bond deepened. He was one of my best pokemon, Volt, The Legendary Luxary.

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