The Citadel

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Several weeks later...

Mercy sat deep in thought, her two forefingers gently touching her lips. Even if it was just for a fraction of a second, she could still feel his lips against hers.

A warm feeling began welling up deep within her chest, spreading heat throughout her body.

Mercy reached around her neck and pulled a small necklace from her collar. It was a small medallion carved into the shape of a wolf. She kissed it, the proof of her membership in the Blackstone Legion.

Garrus: "Mercy?"

Garrus calling her name shook her out of her thoughts

Garrus: "You okay? Looked like you were in la-la land *Chuckle*"

Mercy rolled her eyes as she refocused herself on the task at hand. The pair were currently scouting out a group of new players that had recently arrived on the floor. Garrus placed his enchanted monocle over his left eye. Mercy simply squinted as they observed the small group.

 Since the time the Legion had taken over a significant portion of the 35th floor, Aincrad's politics had changed significantly.

Five main factions had risen. The first and largest "Faction" was that of the small guilds and solo players. It was less of a faction and more of an odd mishmash of different players, cultures, and ideologies.

The next faction was a smaller group that was just taken hold of the first floor. The ALA or Aindcrad Liberation Army. They were bureaucratic scum focused only on making fat stacks of Col. They acted as overbearing military police, bullying and extorting the players still hiding in the Town Of Beginnings.

The third and arguably most dangerous "faction" was the Criminal or Orange players. This faction consisted of slavers, bandits, and thieves. And a few "Murder Guilds" had begun to crop up as well. The beginnings of a guild called "Laughing Coffin" was a particular thorn in everyone's side. Clementine's old friends were also targeting the Blackstones.

The fourth faction was Heathcliff's "Knights of the Blood Oath." They spent their time recruiting weak players and training them up to be front-line fighters. Heathcliff himself was their supreme commander, Asuna was his trusty second in command. In the several weeks since the Legion had last made contact, the KBO had grown by hundreds of players.

The last faction, and arguably the most powerful, was the Blackstone Legion. The Legion was well known among the other frontliners. The Legion was fast, vicious, and incredibly powerful. While the KBO had a higher population, The Blackstone Legion had a higher average level and more powerful gear.

Garrus let out a little hmm as he thought to himself. He pulled off his monocle and handed it to Mercy. When she placed it over her eye, it magnified what she was looking at, like a sort of telescope.

Garrus: "Looks like those idiots are back. Damn Laughing Coffin..."

Mercy nodded as she too confirmed the guilds logo tattooed on the intruders.

Garrus: "You think we can take em all or do you wanna call for backup? I know Shepard has a real bone to pick with them after what happened last time."

Mercy frowned underneath her mask as she too remembered the incident. A group of Laughing Coffin scouts managed to ambush a squad that Shepard had been leading. All of them were killed except Shepard herself.

Mercy: "We should head back and inform our Master that Laughing Coffin has made their next move. He'll know what to do from there."

Garrus nodded as he folded up his unique crossbow, The Mantis Claw. The pair packed up their gear and began to leave. Mercy made sure to mark the camp location on her map before turning her back and heading back up the trail.

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