Red vs Bleu

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The Reds and Blues are not shooting at each other. Sarge is addressing Church.

Sarge: We are giving you a chance to surrender!

Grif: There's no way this bluff is gonna work.

Sarge: Put a cork in it, Fast Eddie. There's positively no way they know we're outta ammo.

Matthew: That's where wrong, Sergeant.

Cut to the Blues.

Eric: Are they serious?

Church: Yeah, they're definitely outta ammo... (yells back) What're your terms?!

Tucker: Their what?

Eric/Rook: Terms.

Cut to the Reds.

Grif: Our what?

Matthew: Our Terms, you incompetent sack of shit.

Simmons: I can't believe this is actually working. See if we can get Lopez back, Sarge.

Grif: Oh yeah. 'Cause then he can fix the Warthog.

Matthew: Why? I can fix the jeep in more than few hours.

Donut: Oo oo, Sarge - tell them we want the flag.

Grif: Yeah, and some cake!

Donut: Ooh... Wait wait Sarge, just the cake.

Sarge: Alright, Blues! First off! We want your flag-!

Simmons: Wait wait wait just a second. The last time we got the flag, the chick in the black armor showed up.

Sarge: stay right where it is! Keep the flag! But we do want our mechanized droid guy back!

Church: Uh oh.

Sarge: You may know him as Señor El Roboto!

Cut to the Blues.

Tucker: Well, Church, what's it gonna be?

Church: Chingado, no way. I'm not giving back my body. I just got this thing.

Sarge: And don't think you can keep his nuts! Or bolts, or other mechanical parts you may have!

Church: Uh.. Uh, he's not here any more!

Tucker: Yeah, he left! He was all like "Sayonara!" and then he just took off!

Church: That's not Spanish you idiot, that's French.

Eric: That's not fucking French, that's Japanese!

Church: Let's try this: Hey, Reds! How about a medic?! Would you take a medic as a hostage?!

Doc: A hostage? But I'm supposed to go over there.

Spartan OC Red vs Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now