The Best Laid Plans

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RoosterTeeth presents

Camera pans down to make the viewers get introduced to


Roses are Red

Sarge- 2nd in Command and Shotgunner

And Violets are Blue

Grif- The Driver and Pilot

One day we'll cruise down Blood Gulch Avenue

Simmons- The so called "Brains"

It's Red vs Red

Donut- Explosives Expert

And Blue vs Blue

Matthew- The Marksman and Leader of Red Team

It's I against I and me against you

Maddock- The Rookie and Backup

Camera moves across the canyon to meet


Violets are Blue

Tucker- The Pervy Weirdo

Roses are Red

Church- The *BAD* Leader of Blue Team and Sniper

Living like this we were already dead

Tex- The Special Operative

Hop in my car

Caboose- The Muscle

It don't have any doors

Sheila- The Tank

It's built like a cat

Eric- The Ghost

It lands on all fours

Rook- The Reaper

Camera goes towards to


My Car's like a Puma

Lopez- The Heavy

It Drives on all

Doc or O'Malley- The Pacifist and Villian


VIC- The Bastard at Command

We cut to many scenes of the Reds and Blues.

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present...

Red vs Blue Spartan OC Season 3

Fades in on Tucker lying face down in the ground, with Donut standing over him

Tucker: (lifeless moans)

Donut: Come on mister blue guy, you gotta wake up. Wake up.

Tucker: It hurts. Just let me die.

Donut: You can't die, I'm bored! All these girls wanna talk about is chick stuff, and not the fun chick stuff like ribbons and unicorns.

Cut to Tex and Sheila

Tex: I don't have treads, but I often find them staring at things they really shouldn't be.

Cut back to Donut and Tucker

Spartan OC Red vs Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now