OVA Chapter 1: Teleport

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Location ????

Cut in the deep forest, Three Spartans Jump out from teleporter

Rook: Sir....Where are we? This place doesn't look like the same where we suppose to be.

Eric: (contact) Simmons, Grif, Church do you copy?

Radio Static

Matt: Got anything from the rest Red and blues?

Eric: Negative, Sir.

Rook: Fellas, You might wanna see this, I think we are on a different Halo.....

Rook: Fellas, You might wanna see this, I think we are on a different Halo

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Rook:......Do we have a plan? Because I rather stay here and continue some expedition than go back the others..

Eric: It's your choice, Matt, what's your call?

Suddenly the teleporter turns off

Matt:....What the hell? Lets move out.

Eric and Rook: 10-4

The three Spartans walked for about 3 miles, when they see the view, they didn't expect the scenery.

The three Spartans walked for about 3 miles, when they see the view, they didn't expect the scenery

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Rook: Damn this place really bit creepy than I thought..

Eric: This also like the place where we were battle of Reach.... So many our Brothers and sisters die....kat.....Jorge... Emile....and Six
Look down and still remember their fallen COMRADES

Matt: I know the feeling. It's really too hard to let go. They gave their lives for humanity safety. (Looks down) Our safety. Sometimes I should've stayed and let SIX go with you. They were our best friends. Our brothers and sisters, all of them. Carter, Kat, Jorge, Emile, and Six. Their memories will live on forever. But remember one thing, their sacrifice was not in vain. They were, including us, are a very Noble Team.

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