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Been trying to live a normal life,
Despite the chaos and facing sharp knives,
Doing deep cuts to somehow feel pain,
Your way to keep yourself sane,

Being immune to pain sucks,
Numb to wounds and unnoticed cracks,
In some ways, we all feel the same,
Same lyrics but with different hymn,

Too young to be broken,
But cannot blame you, it is valid what you are feelin',
You have been through a lot of hardships,
Uttering lies with your sinful lips,

Convincing yourself that it's okay,
Everything's going to be alright, you see,
You keep uttering words opposite to what you felt,
Afraid to be drowned by it,

Trying to hide your tears of sorrow,
Scared that someone will see through you,
Now you got used to being your savior,
Good at pushing people away with your masked attitude roars,

You keep smiling with your pleading eyes,
Hoping that someone will hear your silent cries,
You got used to fixing and helping someone in need,
Where in fact, it's you who needs fixing behind those thoughts unwanted,

You did great, then until now,
You did it, just wow!
Don't wipe your tears and just let them flow,
I know it's too much to bear, so keep it slow,

Take your time healing,
Calm your heart's beating,
It's okay to be weak sometimes,
Embrace your wounded self, it's okay it's not a crime,

Do not let anyone dim your light,
Turn black into white, you did a great fight,
Enjoy your youthful days,
Don't let opportunity cease,

You are too young to be unhappy,
Don't let sadness rob your blissful days,
Don't be harsh on yourself,
Learn to ask for help,

Being weak is not a weakness,
You just simply took a rest in a midst of experiencing life's darkness,
Take a deep breath,
From those suffocating experiences' heat,

Breakouts and sleepless nights,
Caused by overthinking and nightmares' sight,
Turn your hopeful days,
Into daily sceneries,

Bleed not with pain,
But with hope, dreams, and positive gains,
You are the owner of your own life's journey,
So it is up to you how you use the right key,

Running in a circle,
Experiencing things like a cycle,
Being tired of living a life of a robot,
Break the chain and cut its root,

Time to break free and start a new,
Keep walking as far as you go, enjoy the view,
You see, you did not start from scratch,
You start from experience, it's a good catch,

You can always take a rest with your tired wings,
Then soar high again towards life's winning,
Time to turn your tears of sorrow,
Into a wonderful and anticipated tomorrow.

HEAL ME, BREAK MEWhere stories live. Discover now