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We met around May of 2021,
We were too shy, too innocent to mingle with anyone,
Keeping our lips sealed,
Afraid to utter words that are yet to build,

But as the months went by the line,
We started getting along just fine,
Sharing words that only we knew,
Saying arts that help us grow,

The awkwardness started to fade away,
We became a little comfortable, you see,
Talking like a long time friend,
Hoping to have conversations that are yet to end,

A family made in a sudden,
The friendship that has been created to win,
Indeed, sisters by heart,
Despite the miles, we are apart,

Although distance hindered us to meet,
At least, we already have some memories we create,
From disappointment to unexpected blessing,
Experiencing a sudden success thing,

Most of the time, we sniffle cries,
From failure, we experienced after multiple tries,
Sometimes we thought of giving up,
Fortunately, we do not, instead, we aim for the top,

Even though, sometimes,
Our words run out of something to rhyme,
Scribbling letters that cannot be transformed into art,
Doing your best by heart,

You are not losing,
As long as you are trying,
You are striving,
Then, you are winning,

Despite the little sign of surrender,
Aim the best fight to win over,
You reached halfway,
Keep driving along with the sun rays,

You are on the right path,
Even though the road seems bumpy and such, do not halt,
The journey might tire you,
It is okay, keep going so,

Strengthen your confidence,
Practice your energy, do not wince,
Let yourself do sacrifices,
So in life's battle, you will never cease,

You cannot reach your target,
Without determination, you bet,
Take a sudden shot,
With blood, do not bath,

Do not drown yourself too much,
From negativity and problem's catch,
Behold, you are on the line,
Now toast the glass, drink the wine,

Take a quick rest,
You did your best,
Now what you need is a fresh breath,
Away from toxicity and liabilities' heat,

Make it your asset, instead,
Your sweat, blood, and tears you hid,
Make your sacrifices blooms,
In checking improvements, make rooms,

You have come this far,
So between you and yourself, do not make war,
Settle everything in your mind,
Do not let anything left behind,

Picture out everything you want,
So there is nothing to rant
Make a move to keep your passion burning,
Sooner, your dream will be put in life so keep roaring,

You have been through a lot of hardship,
Writing is not something you see as a trip,
But something that makes your soul alive,
I knew from the way how you strive,

You fell a lot of times,
Nevertheless, you stood up thrice, puzzling rhymes,
You keep chasing your dreams,
Without knowing where it leads you, still, you follow the hymn whatever it seems,

Pen and paper became your faithful companion,
In this cruel world, you took portion,
Not to make more damage,
But to keep shining its image,

You have to stumble a couple of times,
It's okay, it is not a crime,
Instead, keep it as a lesson,
A motivation to improve itself for future betterment reason,

Shine despite living in darkness,
Clouded by your little demons whispering your worst cases,
You can conquer it all,
In life, stand tall,

You are the promised one, you see
Someone who will pave the way to the writing portal, the key,
The answer we have been searching for,
So enjoy, keep your passion pour.

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