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Born out of love,
Welcomed with a sob,
A baby in a white clothe,
Happiness was all she brought,

She cried out of joy,
For in this earth she will surely enjoy,
She was clothed with dignity, class, and power,
For problems, challenges, and crises to conquer,

Years after years,
A baby survives in all the hard work she bears,
Now, free to negative vibes and problems' chain,
She's strong despite experiencing unbearable pain,

She walked in the ally of choices,
To either experience problems' wrath or to accept the success' kiss,
Owning the kingdom,
Chasing her freedom,

She was no other than a little girl who was bound to reign,
In the kingdom, her parents prepared for her to win,
In a midst of being a royal princess,
She longed to wander all around the world without putting her parents' sacrifices to waste,

She was torn between accepting her fate,
Or to keep chasing her freedom and follow the path she creates,
She is a loving daughter, a faithful companion, a trustworthy friend and family to everyone,
But now, she just wanted to be herself without being linked to anyone,

She always wanted to walk in a path she made,
Not in a path they prepared,
This time, she wants to do things on her own accord,
Without their help and demanding words,

This time, she wants to be true to herself,
Live for herself alone and not to the societies' standard and forced help,
To slay on her own,
Without being forced to do so, she won,

Breaking the chain that was long attached to her,
Hoping to finally let go of all the burden she bears,
Wishing that everyone will understand,
And support her on the path where she stands,

She does not need luxurious things,
Not things that signify power and authority ring,
What she needs is acceptance,
To the things she wants to explore without hindrance,

She hides her despair by flashing her convincing smile,
But in reality, she was too close to breaking due to unwanted pressure's pile,
She wanted to break free,
From too many expectations, you see,

Look directly in the depth of her soul,
Decipher messages her heart tries to roll,
Locked your gaze in her eyes,
She needs saving, so help her rise,

Pull the princess out of her comfort zone,
Let her dance with her newfound friends' tone,
Let her enjoy her youth,
Out from her cage, from what the castle brought,

Look at her and you will see,
She's the happiest when she's free,
A smile that was long hidden,
Now escape from her pouty lips, she let it be seen,

Fly high, little princess,
Don't let your wing cease,
Time to get the freedom you wanted,
Sow the fruits of the seed you planted,

You did it, little one,
You made it without stepping to anyone,
Now flash your smile and give them a playful wink,
Slay for you nailed it in a blink.

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