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Standing proud as you always do,
Hoping the pain to finally go,
Behind those hidden bites,
Urging yourself to sniffle cries,

Hiding in a curtain of agony,
Wiping the unending tears, you see,
Your heart started to get heavy,
They asked, who is she?

Someone hesitated to answer,
But after a long while, she finally dare,
She finally decided to disclose your name,
And to reveal your identity's fame,

She is a girl in distress,
Experiencing painful kiss,
From bites that were long hidden,
A scar that only is seen,

Ignored by a lot of people,
Now you learn to stand tall,
With your chin up and eyes full of determination,
No one can stop you from doing your passion,

After a long time of suffering,
What you want now is peaceful bleeding,
Not with the blood of tears,
But with the blood of hope all these years,

The grips were too tight for you to handle,
Nevertheless, you smile and give them an assuring call,
You are okay,
You have always been, stay,

Lay down still and take your rest,
Enjoy the nature-loving scenery in its best,
Slow down but keep going,
No matter how many times you will fall, continue what you are doing,

You did it,
Now, let's start the show and win it,
Despite the bumpy road along the way,
Smile, just follow the ray,

Trust no one,
The enemy can be anyone,
Closer or a little further from you,
So, you need to be attentive in whatever you do,

Wear your complete armor,
Armor of confidence and let hard work roar,
You did great,
You beat,

Red blood gushing directly from your heart,
Bleed as you can, spread the art,
Release your agony,
Free yourself from being weary,

Cry your heart out,
It's okay, no doubt,
Your feelings are valid,
Take a rest and look back on everything you did,

Does it worth your sacrifices?
Does it pay all your silent cries?
If so, smile,
You already have started your journey for a little while,

Keep going,
Despite the difficulties you are bearing,
The wound that was hidden,
Soon will be healed and seen,

For now, focus on healing your wounds,
Not to worry about its future scars to land,
Others may see it imperfections,
But my love, it makes you perfect non-fiction,

It is not a fairy tale nor something magical,
It is real, wake up and see its beauty portal,
From your heart to your future wanderer wounded soul,
Explore, discover and make more adventures on a roll.

HEAL ME, BREAK MEWhere stories live. Discover now