11| 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎

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Dove's POV
Age: 10
Location: Ricci's Mansion, New York

I step out of the car and look around. This place is huge. It's a little hard to believe I'll be living here.

Sure, I've seen big houses like this before. All powerful Mafia families lived in mansions. But every time I've been near one it was always for a mission. In and out.

But I'll be staying here. This is my home.

The lawn is so pretty, and I think I see a swimming pool in the back. Various expensive-looking cars and motorcycles line the driveway.

I follow my parents inside. My eyes eagerly scan over everything. When we walk in I unconsciously scan all possible exit and entry points. I stop myself halfway through. Ella said to trust them. I don't need to do this.

Still...it wouldn't hurt.

"Boys! Your sister is here!" My father yells. I wince slightly at the raised voice.

Damn you trauma.

I hear the sound of footsteps running. A stampede of boys comes down the stairs. They all look like me.

I still can't believe I stared at their faces for hours and didn't see the resemblance. I must be an idiot. To be fair though, it's not like I had access to a mirror very often.

We all have our mother's blue eyes but our father's light brown hair (a/n or imagine the characters any way you want).

There are only five of them. Looking at them I notice that Marcus is missing.

He doesn't want to meet me.

No. He's probably just busy. He's my father's, right-hand man. He's probably doing work.

The five of them stare down at me excitedly. Everyone in this family is easily 5"10' or 6 foot while my underweight self is only 4"2'.

(Quick a/n: don't attack me for her height. According to Google 4"4' is normal for a 10-year-old and since she isn't a healthy kid I deducted two inches. I would base it off how tall I was at 10, but I don't remember lmfao)

"Introduce yourself, boys," my father instructs them.

"I'm Luca and I'm your second eldest brother. I'm 23." Luca did most of the tech for my father's Mafia. He's quite genius actually. I had to take apart a gun he made a few years ago. His designs are amazing.

"I'm Lorenzo and I'm 22." He's the sadist of the brothers. I've seen firsthand the damage he can do to someone. It used to scare me, but now that I'm older I think it's kind of cool.

"I'm Dante, the eldest triplet, and I'm 20."

"I'm Daniel and I'm also 20."

"I'm Dylan and...well you already know my age."

"Where's Marcus?" My mother asks.

"We had an...incident," Lorenzo replies. "He'll be home for dinner."

"Why don't we show you around the house?" My mother suggests. I nod and the suggestion.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 ✍︎Where stories live. Discover now