Chapter 3 : The Real

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I honestly didn't know what the hell had gotten into me. Inviting him to my house.
" Where you live ma?" He asked me.
" Decater Street " I answered zoning out.
I mean seriously , I have a 16 year old girl at my house. I can't just go around bringing stray niggas in my house. I can't believe this shit.
Hell I couldn't even believe I was sitting in his car talking to myself.

" Yo Mia , you good ? " He said bringing me back to realtiy.
" Uhhhh , To be real . . Nooo I'm not. " I said a little hesitant.
" Whats wrong ma ? And keep it real with me. Cause I promise to keep it real with you." He said blinking those big light brown eyes at me.
I caught myself licking my lips.
" Ummmm , iight well to be honest I'm really upset with myself right now. " then I started rambling on.
" I just invited a stranger, well technically a stranger to my house. That my 16 year old little sister lives in with me. And from what I hear about you Mister. You ain't NOTHIN' nice. And to add to it , I'm sitting here with this guy and I don't even know his last name. So yes. I am very very very angry with my- " he cut me off.
" First , I'm no monster I would never do anything to hurt you or the princess. Second , I'm no stranger . . We've held converstations NUMEROUS times. Third , you right . . I ain't nothin' nice as you put it. But everyone doesn't see that side of me. Fourth , its King . .  My last name is King. And Last , theres no reason to be angry. I got you Ma . .  " he said to me. And it got to me because I believed him. Every word he said. His words made me instantly trust him and let my guard down.
Truth is I was ready to love and be loved. I was just scared. I been through too much shit. So before I let myself out there I'll see what he's about.
" Ok. Journey King . . . So keep it funky with me. . . Why you been checkin for me when you clearly got all them hoes. And don't lie and say you ain't got none cause everytime I've seen you around Houston its with another bird ass looking bitch " I said looking him dead in his face.
He started laughing. And ohhh what a sexy laugh. I gotta admit it made my kitty tingle.. . Just then he licked his lips. . Mmmmhm I can imagine what it would feel like against my.
clit. . .
" Bird ass looking bitch ? " he kept laughing until he noticed the serious look on my face.
" Nahhh forreal ma. I aint gon lie. Yeah I got shortys but they aint my woman. And I aint fucking none but one. The rest just suck my dick. And we all have an understanding. .  They're all just time slot fillers. I don't have a woman which means I can do what I want. The day I meet someone worth all my attention thats the day all them ' bird looking bitches ' fly away . . . " he said. And I gotta admitt . . He shocked the hell out of me. . . I guess he was serious about the whole keeping it real thing.
" Damn Mister.  .  . You got it like that ? I guess we really are keeping it real. " I said after I recovered from shock.
" Yeah so tell me. . . What about you Mia ? Everytime I see you niggas all up in ya face. You mean to tell me you ain't let none of them hit ? " he chuckled.
" Nope. I haven't have sex in over 2 years. But I have had orgasms since then. . I have vibrators for all that. . . " I told him.
"Hold up ma. So you mean to tell me haven't nobody blown your back out in over 2 years ? " He said shocked
" Nope. Ain't nobody even licked this pussy " I said with a smirk.
" Damn. So how many people you been with ? " he asked me
" 3 . My first love , my second , and my last. How about you ? "  I asked not sure if I really wanna know the answer.
" 7 . If you don't count getting my dick sucked. " he said making me giggle.
" What a beautiful sound " he said peeking over at me
" What ? A giggle "
" Yeah. Its beautiful just like you. " he said
" Thanks. So tell me Journey , you ever been in love ? " I ask.
" Yeah . Once. With my ex. " he said sounding sad.
" Well why aren't you two together ? " I questioned
" She got pregnant. The baby was born and it wasn't mines. " he said looking angry.
" Damn , I'm sorry. I know that must've hurt " I said reaching over pulling his dreads loose then running my fingers through his hair.
" Yeah but I'm good ma . . . Sooo We're on Decater Street. Sooo which house is yours ? "
" That one. With the big black door and white walls " I told him pointing to my house.
" Damn. Nice place. "
"Thanks. .  I own it. . I got it after my parents died. " I told him.
" Must cost a lot " he said
" Yeah. But the house is paid for. . Its just other exspenses you know ? "
" I can help with that ! "
" Pshhh . Boy please. Poof Begone with that . .  I pay my own bills " I said laughing
" I'm serious. I wanna take care of you "
"Why ? Why me ? I'm nothing special and you dont even know me like that. " I said getting a little angry.
" I can tell you worth it. . . "
" That may be true but , I'm not one of your dick sucking chickens. Don't think all you gotta do is throw money at me and I'ma be impressed . . I got my own fucking money. " I said all in one breath.
" Ok , that wasn't my intentions and forreal ma. You gon have to watch ya mouth. When you gon realize I'm a man. THE man. I ain't gon tolerate that shit. So watch yoself. " he said getting out of the car walking up to my house.
"Well yes daddy." I said following him
" Don't forget to lock your car . . " I told him.


Now I must admitt when Mia invited me to her house for her to cook I was shocked and thought I was in there like swimwear. But then she said she hadn't had sex in over 2 years. It only made me want her more but it also made me slow my ass down. I wanted to be her man. But could I just drop everything for her?  She was worth it. Could I deal with the fact that shes a stripper? I mean who am I to judge ? I move dope. My shit aint honest either. . I know she never takes her clothes off but a few of my niggas seen what she got to offer. They weren't paying attention to her show because they know thats all me. But I know them niggas someone peeped shorty. Hell she is fine as fuck though. I meant what I told her. I wanna take care of her.

We walked into her house and found her sister studying on the couch.
" Paye , what're you doing up at 1 o'clock in the morning ? " Mia asked her sister.
"Waiting on you to get home so I can know your safe. You know I can't sleep without you being here. " her sister said packing up her books.
" Aweee sissy pooh. I love you too. I'm glad you took that time to study. Most teenagers won't. " Mia said kissing her sisters forehead.
" You know I gotta make you proud. "
" No you just want that new playstation. " Mia said laughing
" That too. But whom might I ask is this man " her sister asked.
" Paye this is Journey , Journey this is Payeten aka Paye. " she said introducing meto her sister who was a spitting image of Mia. They looked just alike minus the eye color Paye's were green and Paye was taller than Mia by an inch or so.
" Nice to meet you Princess " I said shaking her hand.
" Nice to meet you too Journey. Oooooh Mia , I like him hes niceeee " she coo'd
I laughed at her " Thank you Payeten "
" Feel free to call me Princess . .  Makes me feel special " she said
" Well Princess , you both are special. Whens your birthday ?  " I asked her.
" On Tuesday. " she said looking confused
" Thats The 11th right ? "
" Yup. "
"Ok cool. . . " I said winking at Mia.
Mia looked at me all suspicious like.
" Ok well good night ya'll . . . Nice meeting you Journey. " she said kissing Mia on the cheek and giving me a hug.
Meeting Mia's little sister and seeing how she is with her only made me want her more. . . I decided then and there that she'd be the one to have my babies.
After Paye was gone Mia turned to me and asked " What was that wink about ?"
" Make sure you and Paye is ready by 6pm tuesday. " I told her
" Why ? "
" Cause I said so Mia damn. Stop asking so many questions. " I said a bit annoyed.
" Ok ". She said and started pouting.
" Iight ma look. Stop with the look. Them dimples are killin me ma. . . " I said pulling her to me.
" Whaa look ? " she kept pouting.
I laughed. " Dont play ma. . . On the real whaa you getting Princess for her birthday?  "
" I'm tryna get the Playstation 4  or tickets to see August Alsina. Her and 2 of her friends. The V.I.P treatment. But its hard. I dont know how I'ma do it " she said looking sad.
" Iight how about you get the playstation and I'll get the tickets. And I'm taking ya'll shopping on tuesday. " I told her kissing her forehead.
" Oh no I can't let you do that.  " she said pulling away from me.
" You can and you will. "
" I'm not a golddigger Journey. "
" I know. Now come on and cook ma . . I'm hungry. " I said letting her stand up.
" What you want ? "
" Anything ".
She laughed. " Thats a bad choice but how about ,Homemade French Toast , Home Fries , Bacon , Eggs , Sausage , and fruit salad. "
" Sounds good to me. " I said watching her move around the kitchen.
After we finished eating and cleaning the kitchen it was 4 o'clock in the morning.
"I guess I should get going. It's pretty late. " I said standing up getting ready to leave
" Yeahhhh. " she replied moving closer to me
" I had fun chilling with you " I told her tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
" Me too. Good Night Journey "
" Good Night Mia. " Then I kissed her. After a few minutes she pulled away.
" You straight ? " I asked. She nodded.
" Good come lock the door. "
" Ok. Call me when you get in. " she smiled at me.
" Iight ma. " and then I left.
I thought about her all the way home. When I got in I showered got dressed , got in the bed then called her.
She had just gotten out of the shower too. We stayed on the phone and talked all night until we fell asleep

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