Chapter 18: Ready Or Not

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So I've been here for god knows and I am ready to go home. The only time I feel safe is when the dude the brung me McDonalds is here. He refuses to tell me his name.
He told me I'd know when the time was right. Oddly I trust him. I trust him with my life. I know it sounds stupid but hey , its true . . .


My alarm went off letting me know it was time to get ready for class.
I never even fell asleep. I've been thinking about Paye. I wonder how she is. If she misses me. If she knows how much I love her.
I got up and headed to the shower.

After showering and getting dressed I kissed a sleeping Journey and headed out.

I got to class 5 minutes late due to traffic and automatically regretted leaving out so late.

When I walked in all eyes turned to me.

" Good Morning Miss. Ellington , I glad to see you finally decided to join us." She said with a smug look on her face , which I decided to ignore.
" Good Morning Professor Doyle. " I said heading to my seat.
" Would you like to tell the class why you're late?" She questioned and demanded.
" Well for starters , My sister has been missing since Monday and I have NOOO idea where she is. " I yelled
Professor Doyles eyes budged out of her head in shock.
" Mia , I'm sorry. Did she run away or was she kidnapped?" She asked me.
"Kidnapped. And before you ask I have no idea who could've taken her." I said.
" I'm sorry Mia. We'll all do anything we can to help. " Professor Doyle offered amd the class shook their heads.
" Thank you all so much. Well I just came to let you all know I will not be performing in the final dance. Thats the night we're set to get her back." I told them.
" Yes. Yes. Of course. I hope everything goes smoothly." She told me as I headed to the door.
" Thank you. " I told her leaving the room. I walked towards the exit when I heard someone calling my name.

" Mia , Mia. " I heard a males voice callong from behind me.
I turned to find Deon.
" Hey Deon. " I said to him.
" Hey Mia , I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about your sister. If you need anything let me know. I'm here for you every step of the way." He said to me.
" Thanks Deon. I'll call you if I need anything." I said then turning to leave.
" Is your boyfriend helping you with this?" He asked me causing me to spin around. When I turned around I found him smirking at me.
" Umm , no . . I'm handling this one on my own. Me and Journey didn't work out." I said just to see what he'd say.
He smiled. " Wow , I'm sorry to hear that. Well like I said. I'm here for you."
" Thanks. Catch you later Deon. " I said turning around to leave. I heard him quietly laughing.

Hey Lovely's ,

Here is another update. . .
Its short , I know. . . But I hope you all like it. . . .
Who do you think the kidnapper is ?
What do you think about Mia's lie to Deon ?
Its only 2 more chapters left. . . LONGGG chapters might I add.
Don't forget there'll be a sequel . .
What do ya'll think will happen at the end of the book?

Answer those questions for me pleaseee?
Thankss for reading and things . ..

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