Chapter 8 : Right About Now ( 3 , 2 , 1 )

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**** Please be aware that this chapter has sexual content. Do NOT read if you have a problem with that. . . Also please not that I had to change a few explicit words due to violations.****

1 Month Later

" Payten get your ass out here NOW" I yelled to the top of my lungs.
Ever since she been hanging out with this new girl at her school shes been acting real grownaround here , sneaking in at all times of the night , bringing in low grades. I dont know who the fuck she think she is but she was eithet gon get right or get the fuck out.
" What Mia dang. " she hissed coming down the steps.
" What the fuck is this ? You fuckin ?" I asked her holding up a box of condoms.
" Its none of your damned business." She cocked her head to the side and I could see her life flash before my eyes I fittna kill this broad.
" Excuse me , what did you just say ? " I asked her. She clearly wasn't looking at me because if she was she woulda known not to repeat that last sentence.
" I SAID , IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAM-" and I snapped I smacked the shit out of her clearly shocking her. I haven't had to hit her since she was younger. I lit into her ass.
" Listen here little girl. I don't know who the fuck you think your talking to. But this is my damned house. . I pay all the bills in this bitch and you WILL show me some got damned respect. You are 16 years old I don't give a fuck if I was your older cousin you will not curse at me in my own damned house or anywhere else for that matter. If you din't like it you cam get your ungreatful ass the fuck out. . Now either we gon talk about this , Woman to young women or we can not. But be aware that if you choose the second choice you will be taking care of your damned self since you wanna be so grown." I said as she looked me in the eyes. And I seen her true feelings in her eyes. She was hurt , angry , and scared but at this point I didn't give a damn I refused to be disrespected by a 16 year old in my damn house.
" Make a choice. Because this is never happening again. . ." She sucked her teeth and ignored me running her fingers through her hair. Cool since she wanted to be a smartass. I grabbed her by her hair from the roots.
" Hmmm you think you grown huh ? I'ma show you what its like to be grown." I let go of her hair and back hand smacked her. .
" You not gon keep hitting me. Your not my mom , your my sister. You got a lot of nerve tryna check me about what I'm doing when your the fucking stripper. . . Shaking your ass in random niggas faces for money. You a hoe" she said yelling in my face. Then I must've blacked out because when I returned to my senses Paye was laying on the floor with a busted lip.
" You know what Paye ? I became a stripper to put myself through school and take care of you. Because if I didn't they were going to take you. Then we would've never seen each other again. And if that makes me a hoe. Then fine. . . But I'm DONE. You wan't to be grown. So be it. . . You started running around with that little girl and you done lost your fucking mind. I would put your disrespectful ass out but I'M ALL YOU GOT ! You can't be my sister because the real Paye would never speak to me that way. So this is what I'm gonna do. . . . I'm taking everything I paid for from you. . . You can keep the clothes and 3 pairs of shoes, your bed , and body cleaning products . . . That phone is mine , all that jewlery is mine . . That tv is mine . . . Them house keys I want them. If your ass isn't in this house by 6 dont bother coming cause you wont get in. . You are grounded until I feel like you deserve to see the free world. School is the only place you will go. .  Nowhere else. Oh and you need to find a job. Because I'm not doing shit else for you . . . . Now go and get my shit and put it in the storage room." When she didn't get up I picked her up by her hair. " NOW PAYTEN IMANI ELIZABETH ELLINGTON. " she walked away after I let her hair go.
I wen't upstairs turned on the shower took off my clothes and got in. I hated to treat Paye that way. I loved her more than life itself. She was the reason for me doing what I had to do. . . And for her to talk to me that way just broke my heart. . . I sunk down in the tub and just cried. Cried until I fell asleep obviously because Journey woke me up by pulling me up wraping a towel around my wet freezing body.

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