Chapter 19 : Here I Come

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- Please read the Authors note at the end pleasee . . .


I've seen Mia around since I've taken Paye and she looks like shes a lost puppy. I love seeing her so broken and shit. I wish shit could've been different but , whatever. Its too late to turn back. After I fuck Mia , I'll fuck her sister and make her watch. Then I'ma out both they asses out there to make my money.
Then when I'm tired of seei g their asses I'ma kill them both.


I was still in this place and I'm not sure how long I've been gone. I know I must've looked a hot ass mess because I felt like a mess. I got my ass whooped many times . And its because of my mouth. I mean I know I should be all passive agressive and shit because my life is in these niggas hands right now but I refuse to go out like a bitch. The only thing that make me feel safe about bening here is the guy whos name I still don't know. The one who gets me anything I want to eat and has stopped many of my ass whoopings. And when I am getting one hes never around or he finds a reson to leave the room.
Just then the door opens and I hear foot steps of a few people coming down the steps.
" So are you done being a little bitch ?" The guy who beat me up the day I got here said.
" Are you done being a pussy who likes to beat women , ?" I know. I fucked up. . But hell . . . He was clearly a clown.
" You never learn, do you ? " he asked walking closer to me. I looked him in the eyes showing him that I wasn't afraid of him.
" I guess not." And with that he began whooping my ass until I blacked completely out.

When I woke up I was in someones arms with a bag over my head. Someone was carrying me.
I instantly startes trying to get away.
" Where am I going ? " I asked.
" To your bitch ass sister. " the viuce said. I felt for his face and channeled all of my anger into my palm. I drew my hand back and smacked the shit out of the guy carrying me. He punched me in my face , in retalliation. I went limp.
I heard others laughing at the guy that smacked me.
" Damn yo. Its like she smacked you with the power of god. . . " I softly chuckled.
The guy I smacked didnt respond back , he just threw me into what I assume is a car.
I heard doors slam.
The car started moving.


When I got home , I hopped out of my car , got the mail and hurried into the house. Setting the alarm went into the bathroom and turned on the shower to heat the water up. I lit a blunt and took it straight to the chest. I was feeling nice , now all I needed to do was shower.

After showering I headed into the closet and opened my safe grabbing 'Princess' , my new gun that I had to beg Journey to let me get. And headed downstairs to cook dinner.
I took out the fish that I had taken out last night.
I looked for something else to cook.
Finally I decides of Fried fish , stuffed shrimp , baked macaroni , garden salad and garlic bread.

After prepping everything I decided to call Journey to see when he was coming home.

" Wassup Ma ? You aiight ? " he asked sounding alarmed.
" Calm down , I'm good. Just calling to see when you were coming home. I'm cooking dinner. " I told him.
I heard King in the background.
" Ooh Mia. I want a plate. Kayla don't cook enough for me." He said making me burst out laughing.
" Come by when Journey comes. You can have a plate. And don't play with my girl. I'ma tell on you" I told him still laughing.
" I mean , it ain't like she can't cook. She just hates to." He said explaining himself , only making me laugh harder. Now tears were streaming down my face. He literally sounded scared after I threatened to tell on him.
" Oh hush already. " I told him.
" Babe. We're in the middle of something. So I'll check you in a minute. I'll be home in about a half hour." He said.
" Ok baby. " I said.
" I love you ma. "
" I love you too. " I said then hung up.
My phone began to ring. I answered without looking at the caller ID.
" Hello , " I answered.
" Mia ." A voice said on the other end of the phone.
" Yes." I said.
" I have someone that you want." The voice said causing me to drop I was using to slice the shrimp.
I whispered. " Mia. "
" Yes Mia. And if you want her meet me now , at that old dance studio on Wishire and 35th. Be there in 30 minutes." he said.
" Ok. " was all I could get out.
" And dont bring anyone with you. Or else Paye here , will die."
He said hanging up.
I rushed upstairs to get dressed. Not caring what I put on I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a sweatshirt.
I sent Journey a picture of me wearing what I had on . Just in case he had to find me.
I decided against telling him where I was going because I needed Paye to be safe. Even if I got hurt , or worse.

Hopping in my car I drove to the dance studio. And waited.

After waiting for 15 minutes before a car pulled up infront of me. Someone knocked on my window. A guy who I never seen before told me to open my car. I hesitated.
" If you want your sister back get the fuck out of ths car and follow me now." that got me to moving. I opened my car door , got out and followed him . . He checked me , leaving my phone , wallet , keys and pocketbook in the car. Grabbing the duffel bag that held the money in it.
He led me into the dance studio. Which havent been used in over 10 years but still seemed to be held together.

I was led into a room full of mirrors , instantly my eyes went ti a figure laying on the floor.
" Paye. " I cried out.
She instantly responded. " MIAA " I breathes a sigh of relief. Knowing that she was alive. One big buff dude pulled the bag from over her head I could see the bruises and swollen eyes and lips from where I was standing. I tried to run to her but two dudes came uo behind me and grabbed my arms so that I couldn't run to her.
The guy that picked me up from my car sat and counted the money.
After about 20 minutes he said.
" Good . Its all here. Now you can meet the mystery man. " The guy said.
Just then a door opened and out walks someone I never thought I would see. . . .


What's Up Lovely's ?

Hows my readers doing ?
I know , I know , I haven't updated in years. And for that I do sincerely apologize. . . I've been busy with school. Not that I'm making excuses. I'm simply giving and explanation.
Sooo ,
Who do you all think the kidnapper is ?
What do you think'll happen at the end of the book ?
One more chapter left (btw)

I just want to say thank you to everyone who reads this story and gives feedback. It is greatly appreciated. I swear it to yah. . .
The 2nd Book to this series will be out when this book and that book is partcially finished.
Its title and everything you need to know about it will be posted in the last chapter of this book.

Thanks again for reading my book.
-♡ Love , Bianca

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