Chapter 12 : Stay ?

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I woke up the next morning to the news talking about a shoot out at the club me and the girls were at last night.
I instantly started calling Journey. When I got no answer I panicked. I began crying. I called Kayla and Raynah and Raynah called Star on four way.
" Whats wrong ? " Star asked me.
" Have any of yall heard from them niggas ? " I asked trying to calm down.
" Nooo , why whats wrong ? " they all asked at the same time.
" Well there was a shoot out at that same damn club last night. 3 are dead and 5 we're injured. " I said bursting into tears again.
" Oh my god. Miaa , we're on our way. Ya'll be ready in 10 minutes " Raynah said before hanging up.

I had to do something to take my mind off of this so I cleaned my house. I let Paye go to her bestfriend Chardae ( the good one ) house this morning but only after talking to her parents.
But the time I finished straightening up I called Raynah .
" Where ya'll at ? " I asked as soon as she answered.
" About 10 minutes away why ? "
" I'm fittna hop in the shower you and Kay got a key . Let yourselves in " I said turning on the bath water.
" Iight Ma. Be there soon. " she said before hanging up.
I got in the shower and stayed there and cried until all the tears I had dried up and I couldn't anymore. After washing my body I hopped out threw on a pair of basketball shorts and a white tink top putting my hair into a messy bun.
Walking downstairs I find the girls all sitting on the couch eating pop corn watching the news.
" Damn girl , what you do get lost up there ? " Kayla asked.
" I thought she melted down the drain." Star said makimg me giggle.
" Nahhh just tryna relax. Who down for some basketball ? " I asked the girls. Who obviously came to have a sleep over or something because they all packed bags.
They all agreed to play.
" Iight , two on two " I said heading out the door. We decided to go to the park to play. Maybe we could get a girls against guys games. This was going to be funnn. We are we're basketball players throughout our school years and we could beat the breaks off of anybody.
While on our way to the park in Raynahs car I called Journey 10 more times still getting the voicemail.
" Lets stop at the store to get bottles of water " Raynah said. I just nodded my head.

We got to the park in 15 minutes.

" Come on bitches , lets WORK " Raynah yelled as we walked over to one of the basketball courts with our ball in hand.
" Looks like we're going against the fellas today " Star said . .
" Shit it don't matter to me, Cause we whoops ass either way. " Kayla replied
" No doubt. " I said getting a little hype. I couldn't wait to start a game so that it can take my mind off of things.

Just then this dude swaggered over to us. I gotta admitt , he fines as fuck . But he wasn't better than Journey.
He could hold his own though. He was about 6 foot even , muscular build he was lightskinned with fronts he had little freckles on his face with these deep dimples. . .
He spoke.
" Whats up shortys , ? " he asked us giving what I assume to be his panty dropping smile but it seemed liked none of us were fazed.
I noticed the girls that sat around watching gave us the stink eye.
Star laughed and whispered in my ear ," Look at these bitches. We might have to fight before we leave here"
" Nahh , chill out " I told her.
We spoke to him.
" What ya'll doing out here dressed like that ? " he asked refferring to our tank tops and basketball shorts.
" We came to ball " Kayla spoke up.
" Ball ? Ball ? " He started laughing , then turned to his friends.
" They came to ball fellaz " he said. They all started laughing.
" What the fuck is so funny ? " the hood in Raynah spoke up. Thats one thing I loved and hated about her crazy ass. She had no filter. It didn't matter who she was talking to she was gon say what she had to say it didn't matter if the nigga had a gun to her head or balls deep , she was gon say it.
" Oh nothing beautiful. I just find it hard to believe that ya'll fine asses can ball. " he said still laughing.
" Shit , wanna see ? " Kayla challenged.
" Hell yeah . " he said. Then he called over 3 of his homies.
There was about to be a game of 4 on 4 going down.
Freckles took off his shirt and I seen Star start to fan herself.
Kayla whispered " Damn " and Raynah second that . I was the only one mute at the moment.
" Iight so me and lil miss quiet over there are captains. " he said pointing to me.
I smiled. " Ray , you stick Pretty Brown Eyes over there , Kay , you stick Mister Braids and Star you got Sir Smile A Lot. . And I got you Freckles " I said taking control of everything. My girls nodded.
" Cool . Be my guest mama " he said as I checked him the ball. . He checked it back. I faked right and went left instantly making 3 points.
I heard him grunt.
" Whats the matter Freckles , afraid of a challenge ? " I taunted him
" Nahh , never that ma. . . Just wish I didn't have to put a hurtin on you " he said smiling at me.
" Yeah ok. Lets just get on with it . . ." The game went on for more than an hour . . With us winning by 3 points.
" Nah ma , ya'll cheated. " Sir Smile A Lot yelled.
" Oooooh is Sir Smile A Lot getting angry ? " Raynah tease poking him in his stomach.
Everyone laughed.
" Nahh mama I just never seen women play ball that good. " he said.
Just then I spotted Journey , King , Prince and Killa all getting out of a tricked out truck.
I nudged Star ,
" Bitch , " she mumbled before I could tell her what ai was talking about.
" I'm ready to go Ray. " I told her hoping Journey didnt see me.
" Where the fuck ya'll think ya'll going. " King said.
" Excuse me Mister but you are not my daddy. " Kayla said sucking her teeth at him as he grabbed her by her waist.
I could see her defense falling so I spoke up. I could feel Journeys eyes on me.
" Kayla , Raynah , and Star I'm ready to fuckin go. " I said.
" Alright Alright , " Raynah said pulling away from Killa.
" Nah Ray , she aint going nowhere. " Journey said finally speaking up.
Causing me to whip my head in his direction.
" And who the hell was talking to you J ? HUH ? Cause last I checked you dont own shit over here . . I'm GROWN. I do what I want. Now Raynah either you're going to take me home or I'm walking . . . " I said not even looking Journeys way again.
I noticed Star walking away from Prince.
I must admitt. It hurt me to have to talk to him like that . . I loved him . . I'm just not built for this shit. I was a wreck last night. Crying all damn day . I loved him too much to lose him. I was scared. Scared that I'd lose him to the streets , to jail , and I was scared that he'd cheat on me. . . I didn't need the pain. Which ia why I closed myself off from love. 3 times were enough and they were all in vain.
I glanced over at Journey and noticed how angry he looked. Before I knew it he had me by my waist throwing me over his shoulder carrying me to the truck.
He pushed me in as 2 dudes I never seen before blocked the car so I couldn't get out.
" Fuck is wrong with you Mia ? Huh ? You musta lost your fuckin mind talking to me like you fucking stupid. That mouth . Thats what I ain't gon deal with. " he said yelling in my face after climbing in the back of the car with me.
" YOU'RE WHATS WRONG WITH ME JOURNEY ! And I must've cause I can't believe I'm dealing with this shit again. I say what the hell I want . . . I swear to god and all his homies that I am THROUGH ! I'm through Journey . . . I can't do this you disappearing shit , not hearing from you , not knowing what the fuck is going on . . . First you stand me up , then I hear on the news that the same damn club we were last night . . 3 are dead and 5 were injured. I called you , I texted you . . . No fucking answer. . . . I can't , I won't do it. " I screamed.

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