Chapter 4 : Do Good

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My alarm goes off at 9:15 am and I reach over and hit the dismiss button to turn it off. Then I realize the phones sitting on my face I hear Journey softly snoring through the phone . .
And I lay there. Listening to him breathe. I couldn't believe how happy I felt. It was Saturday but I had a class today with Ms. Doyle. So I had to get up. When I heard Journey moving I decided to wake him.
" Journey . Journeyyyyyyyyy. " I call out to him
" Yeah ma. " He answered me with a deep , raspy , sexy sounding voice.
" I gotta get ready for school. " I told him getting out of the bed turning on the shower to heat the water.
" With Ms. Doyle , your dance teacher right ?" He said making me smile.
" You remembered. " I said blushing
" If course. How you getting there "
" My car " I told him.
" Cool. Well look ma. I need to get up and get out of here. I hope you still respect me. I didn't mean to sleep with you on the first night. " he said making me giggle.
" Back at cha King. Back at cha. . " I giggle again.
" Beautiful. Iight . Get up and get ready for school ma. " he told me.
" I'm already up. I'm just tryna get you off the phone so I can shower. " I said
" Cool. I'll call you later. I'm coming to get you and your sister at 6. I got something else to do Tuesday. " he told me
" Ok. Talk to you later and see you then " I said hanging up.

Later In Ms. Doyle's Class :

" Good Morning Class. " Ms. Doyle greeted us as she entered the classroom.
" Good Morning Ms. Doyle we all say at the same time.
" Sounds to me like everyones happy to see me. " she laughed.
My bestfriend Kayla bumped my arm. " She musta got some bomb dick last night. " she said causing me to snicker.
Kay just didn't know what the hell to say out of her mouth.
" Trueee. " I mumbled after recovering from laughing
" Soooo today class I will be assigning a project. One that requires groups of 2. Guy and Girl pairs to be exact and thankfully we have enough guys for it to be even. Now I've already picked pairs. No swapping. My word is final." She told us.
" Shit. " Kayla spat.
" Ditto Babe " I said.
" Heres who I have paired. Miss. Odom your paired with Mr. Wesley.. Miss. Steele your paired with Mr. Townes , " she said going down her list.
"Miss. Ellington your paired with Mr. Brown. "
Ok. This was bad. Why'd she have to pair me with him. Me and him had a thing back in the day. If back in the day means last year. I was a sophmore then. We had 3 classes together. We majored in 2 of the same things. Dancing and nursing. Anyway we talked for like 3 months.Nothing serious. When he first approached me he was nice and sweet then he became controlling and he wasnt even my man. I had to cut him loose. It was a good thing he never found out where i lived. He got a girlfriend now and all so I should be good.

Ms. Doyle finished naming the pairs And said , " This will be due tuesday. I expect you all to meet outside of school because this isn't a in class thing. There will be other things that your doing while in this class.. Meet with your partner after class to get each others schedules. That'll be all for today class. You are dismissed. "
I wait for Deon at the classroom door. He looked happy that we were partners.
" Hey Mia. I guess we're partners ehh? " he said grinning in my face.
" It would appear so. " I said.
" Well how about we head over to the cafe grab a bite to eat and discuss this project?" He asked.
" Ummm sure. I'll meet you there I need to make a phone call first. "
I said pulling out my phone scrolling through to Journey's name.
He answers on the second ring.
" Whats good mama . You ok ? " he said sounding worried.
" I'm good papa. Just called to see if we could push the time back. Ms. Doyle's evil ass sprung a project on us and now I have to work with a crazy , enoughing fuck. Its due monday. " I said rambling on.
" Calm down. Relax. Its ok. What time would you like me to pick you two up ? " he said sounding all calm and shit.
" Hmmm its 2 now. I'll be home by 5:30. So how about 6:30 "
" Iight ma cool. I gotta go. I was im the middle of working. So I'll see you at 6:30. " he said.
" Yes Sir " I say giggling.
" Aiight. Be good. " he said
" Always" I hung up then went looking for Deon.

" Soooo how should we do this ?" I asked getting right to the point.
" Ummm I say we pick a song then divide it up between us. We go home work on our parts come together tomorrow im the gym then put it together. " he said
" Cool. Lets work on the chorus right now. I have 2 hours before I have to leave. "
"Ok. How about we use the song Melody by Ray J. " he said
" One of my favorite songs. " I said
" I remember. You work on the first 2 parts. And I work on the last ones. " he said.
" Deal " I said.

2 hours later  . . . .

" We are sooo getting an A " I said hype.
" You know it. " Deon said.
" See you tomorrow Deon 9:15 am " I said walking to my car.

I decide to call Paye to make sure shes ready.

" Hello " she answered on the first ring.
" You teenagers I tell you. Your phone musta been in your hand " I said cracking up laughing.
" Why you say that?" She sounded confused.
" Cause you answered on the first ring. . . Anyway I was calling to see if you were dressed. " i asked.
"Yessss . I'm just waiting on ya'll " she huffed.
" I'm coming in the front door right now " I said parking my car.
" Ok . Bye " she hung up.
When I got in the house I went straight to my room to get a blunt then took my bath.
After washing up , washing my hair , and drying everything. I went to my room , to lotion up my body. Then I searched for what I would wear. I eventually decided on some all white skinny jeans , a white haltertop with a deep plunging v-shaped neck line. A nude colored cardigan and a pair of nude colored red bottoms. For my accessories I put on gold. My gold neckless that reads Queen a pair of diamond stud earrings , gold bracelts and gold ankle bracelt that reads ' Majesty '
I decided to put my hair in a high messy bun with my baby hairs layed. Then went to brush my teeth again . By the time I was done its was 6:15. I went to check out what Paye had on.
I opened her door.
"OOOOh sissy. You look sooo cute. "
She said drooling over my outfit.
" Thanks . Let me look at you " I said and she stood up.
She looked sooo cute. She had on black high waisted skinny jeans , a black halter top with a burgandy leather jackets with burgandy doc martins shoes. Her hair was in two long french braids and her baby hairs were layed. She had on diamond stud earrings with her silver necklace that I brought her that had Payeten on it written in diamonds.
" Give em up. Gimmie my props" she said.
" I knew you were my little sister for a reason , you look cute " I told her laighing.
" Well I had to get it from someone. " she laughed.
" Come on. We need to get downstairs. " I said leaving her room.
" Your wearing those ? " she asked
" Wearing what ? " I asked
" Those heels "
" Duhh "
" I don't know how you do it. " she said shaking her head.
" Do what ? " I asked
" Wear heels. Like on the regular. You wear em almost anywhere. And were going to the mall. "
" Hmph. Its easy. I've been doing it for forever. And once you start wearing em you'll be addicted too. Now lets go " I said rushing her.

There was a knock at the door I looked at my phone it was 6:30 hmmmm. He's on time.
I went to let him in

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