Chapter 13 : Taken

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Professor Doyle's Class

" Good Morning ladies and gents. " Professor Doyle greeted us.
" Good Morning " we all replied.
" Well as you all know classes are coming to a close. Which means a closing performance. For many of you this will be your last and trust me , it'll be your BEST " she said getting excited.
We all clapped.
This was my last year in school for dance. And my last year for Nursing. All I had to do was take my exam to become an RN . . .
" The final dance fill be of ' The Broken Tango ' and you can pick your partners or you can bring your own. " she said.
Kayla raised her hand .
" Yes hun . " Professor Doyle answered.
" What song will be performing to ? "
" Bust The Windows , by Jazmine Sullivan. Now you all know the dance . . . Meet with your partners and practice. You'll have 3 in school rehersals. The performace is in 1 week. So be ready. Class dismissed. " She said as everyone stood up to leave.
I instantly called Journey.
He answered on the first ring.
" Wassup Ma ? " he said making me smile.
" Hey Daddiee , I got a question. "
" Whats that ? "
" Can you dance ? "
" Huh ? What you mean ? " he said making me laugh.
" Like dance. As in real dancing. "
" Oh . Yeah. I can do a lil something. Why ? "
" Do you love me ? " I asked .
" Yeah . Whats up ? "
" Ummmm I need a favor. "
" Ok ? "
" I need you to dance with me for my final performance in school. " I asked him crossing my fingers.
" What ? " he said.
" You heard me Journey King , dont play with me. "
" Iight , damn. . . What dance is it ? "
" Yesssss. " I squealed " Thank you sooo much . I love you baby. Its the broken Tango. "
" Oh , yeah ma , I can do that.  " he said.
" Oh my gawd . . . Thanksss baby . . . Meet me at my house in 30 minutes."
" Iight , gimmie a kiss ! " he demanded.
" A kiss ? " I asked
" Yeah girl . . . Ain't you ever hear that Soulja Boy song ? Kiss me through the phone , kiss me through the phone. " he started singing making me laugh.
" Ohhh lord. Here boy " I told him giving him a kiss over the phone.
He gave me one back. " I'm not a boy , I'm a man . . . See you soon ma" he said and I hung up.

At My House

When I get home I decide to take a shower before Journey get here.
After rolling a blunt I light it up and take 3 pulls and put it out. .
Turning on the water.
" I'ma save the rest for when I get out of the shower."  I said talking to myself. . .
" Talking to yourself huh Mia ? " Paye said coming into my bathroom.
" Yup. Sure is " I told her laughing.
" You crazy. . Anyway. I'm about to leave for work. I'll call you when I get there." She told me giving me a hug and a kiss on my cheek.
" Ok. Dont forget. . . And I love you . . . Be safe " I told her.
" I love you too Sissy. " she said leaving the bathroom.
I hopped in the shower.
When I got out I wrapped a towel around me while leaving out of the bathroom I found Journey layed out on my bed.
" Journey King , if you dont get the hell up off of my clean sheets so help me god and all his homies I'ma break your neck. . . Smelling like outside." I yelled at him.
It may seem childish for me to get upset about Journey laying in the bed but there are things that my mom had told me since I was old enough to understand and thats 1. Never wear hats in the house, 2. Never put hats or coats on the bed, 3. Never lay in the bed with outside clothes on, and 4. Always wash your hands before you go in the refridgerator or cabinets. And I live by those rules everyday.
" Damn ma, its not that deep. I didn't know you felt so passionate about it." He said getting out of the bed.
" Whatever Journey. " I told him going into my walk-in closet to find something to dance in.
I came out in a pair of black leggings and black and white shirt that has the number 1 on it.
Jorney had gotten into the shower so I got my blunt and went downstairs to wait for him.
When he finally came strolling down the steps 20 minutes later I was higher than the empire state building.
" Mia." He called out to me.
" Hmmm ? " I answered.
" Sorry about earlier. . . I know how you feel about that stuff." He told me pulling me up off the chair softly kissing my neck.
Pushing hom away I said. " Uhnn uhh , we arent having sex so dont even try it . . . You still got a week left and even then you still gotta work for it. " I told him going over to my music system just then I got a call from Paye saying she got to work safe and that she gets off at 10 asking me to pick her up then. I agreed then hung up.
I turned the music on and pulled Journey into the position and started the dance. As the song went on I was amazed at how accurate Journey was durning the routine.
When we finished I knew we had it down pack.

When I went to check my phone I seen that we'd been practicing fir over 2 hours . . . Just then I got a text from an unknown number.

I have your bitch of a sister. And to get her back all you have to do is bring me 500 g's and give me you.

I dropped my phone and instantly started crying.

Who the fuck would want to take my baby sister. Shes only 16.

" Baby whats wrong ? " Journey said grabbing me into his arms.
" Ssss-someone tooook Paye." I stuttered.


Hey everyone. . . This chapter is short , I know. . . Sorry I haven't been updating but thats because I've started college and barely have time to write. . . But dont give up on me . . . I'm finding a balance between school and writing. . . I know you lovelys will understand . . . You always do. I hope you enjoy this chapter. . . . Next one coming ASAP !
P.S : Sorry for the cliffhanger :)

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