Chapter 13- Ooooh! You're Jealous!

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TW: Medicine(?), Jealousy (?), Mentions of Sexism

November 12th | Eight Months Since Remus Died | Roman is Not Happy He Has To Start Taking Meds

"Antipsychotic medicine!?" Roman demanded as he stood up from the table.

His mother sighed, she and his father looked tired, "Roman-"

"I'm not crazy!"

"We know that-"

"I don't need any of this!" Roman shouted, "I don't need medicine! I don't need a therapist!"

"It's just to stop the hallucinations hijo," His father explained, "These delusions are getting out of control."

"But they're not delusions," Roman insisted, he knew it wouldn't work though. His insistence on this topic never proved to work. 

His mother sighed again, burying her head into her hands, "You've changed so much Roman. You're hurting so much."

"It's normal to hurt when your brother is dead!"

"Yes," his father agreed, "Its completely normal. But everything else that's happening? The mood swings, the delusions, the episodes-"

"Episodes? Is that what you're calling them now? Episodes?" 

"The doctor thinks you have PTSD or some sort of Bipolar disorder."

"I don't care what some stupid brain doctor thinks! He's wrong! I'm not crazy! I'm fine! I'm-"

"Roman!" His mother shouted, Roman, flinched at the volume, "We have been over this countless times. Therapy isn't bad. Mental illness does not equal crazy. And medication does not mean you're broken.."

Roman frowned, "I'm not psychotic mama. I don't have delusions. I'm... I'm okay."

His father shook his head, "You're not okay though Roman. You haven't been-"

"Logan said it can take years to stop grieving. Logan says this is normal. Logan says-!"

"I dont care what Logan says! Logan's not a doctor! Your doctor says this isn't normal. Your doctor says you need this. And frankly Roman I agree." Roman glared at his mother for a long moment.

"Amor," Victor mumbled to his wife, Laura looked at him and he motioned for her to calm down.

Laura nodded and took a long tired deep breath, "I'm sorry for yelling. I'm... happy your friends are so supportive. I'm happy you feel comfortable telling them all this. But, Logan is wrong. You need this."


"We're having it delivered," His father said, "It should get here in a few days or so. Can we.. Roman, can we just try it for a bit? If-if by New Year, we haven't seen any effects, then... then we can talk about this again. But until then, can we try it? Please?" Roman looked at his father, frowning as he held a mug of his favorite coffee in his hands. The smell of it was strong and it seeped into the air like a bomb, making the whole room smell like the stuff. His father looked up from the mug to meet his eyes. 

Roman flinched at it slightly before turning to look at his mother, only slightly surprised to find the same look in hers as well. There was so much worry and exhaustion in them. They were duller than they used to be. His father's normally exciting personality wasn't showing through, it hadn't for a few days now, Roman realized. His mother had been acting similarly, with no bursts of energy. No sudden hyper fixation on something from work, or some new random hobby she had taken up. Come to think of it, this was the first 'Sit Down Breakfast' they'd had in weeks. And family nights were getting less and less common. His parents were stressed beyond belief, and Roman couldn't help but blame himself. 

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