Cross sans x Gorgon reader

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Heyyyy just in case you didn't know a gorgon is the kind of creature Medusa is, you know, like you have snakes for hair, a snake tail instead of legs ( if you want), and if you look someone in the eye they turn to stone.

Warning this chapter may contain: spelling mistakes and grammatical errors

Information note : You have been living alone for years in a cave because people are scared of you and others want to kill you and take your head.

Third pov

Cross was currently on a mission to kill a certain monster that had found out where their base was. He chased and chased after the pitiful monster who tried to run from him.

Suddenly he stopped as he saw the ground start to collapse under them. 

The last thing he heard was the monsters scream for help before everything went black.

Y/n pov

I was currently siting on my bed, staring at the wall as if I did it long enough it would collapse. 

I broke the staring contest with the wall when I heard something crash, I quickly slithered out of my room and saw the mess that layed before me.

A part of my rooftop had collapsed,  showing the bright blue sky overhead. I looked down at the ruble and saw a skeleton laying down, probably passed out because of the fall.

Sighing I slithered in between the stone statues that decorated my cave and towards the skeleton on the ground. 

I picked him up and brought him into my room, laying him down on the bed. 

He was quite a unique one, wearing mostly black and white, he also carried a giant knife that miiigghht have been a sword on his back.

I then hissed when I realized that he could be here for my head. I searched for my sunglasses while trying to put the thought at the back of my head. Not all people are bad I reminded myself. When he wakes up I'll need something to cover my eyes so I don't turn him to stone immidietly.

Once I found my glasses I put them on and headed back to my room. When I got there the skeleton was sitting up rubbing his skull,  muttering to himself. 

When he saw me he grabbed his sword/knife? And pointed it at me.

"Who the hell are you and where am I?" He asked, I looked at him. "More like who are YOU and why are you in my cave? Are you here for my head?" I questioned him. 

He looked at me like I was crazy, "What?" "I said are you here for my head-" " No of course not, why would I be?" "Well, it's just what most people come down here for, they look at me like I'm a trophy,  waiting to be won, and it's all because I'm a stupid gorgon."

"Okay," he said, "First of all I'm not here for your head. Thats obsurd,  second of all you are not stupid, you are very pretty and had to have been pretty smart to have lived down here all these years, and third I'm down here because I fell."

Oh. I was supprised that he didn't want my head like most people.


Did he just call me pretty?


(No. He didn't,  he called ya ugly)



(okay, okay sorry y/n, author,  out :)

"Hello? Miss gorgon lady, you alright?" I snapped out of my trance and looked at him, "My apologies,  um, uh..."

"Cross, the name is Cross"

"Oh well my name is y/n, and it's nice to know that your not here for my head!"

"Yeah uh.. sure, hey y/n do you think you could show me the way out of here? If I'm late my boss is gonna kill me."

 I stared at him then said, "No, I'm going to keep you."

"What?" He asked, looking just sliiiiigghhtly alarmed " I said I'm going to keep you, your the first person- well, skeleton that doesn't want to kill me!" I said in an excited tone.

Suddenly Cross was covered in a purple blush, I smiled and used my tail to bring him closer to me for a hug.

My snakes gave him little kisses on his skull and face until he was completely covered in a purple blush.

"Please don't leave... you're my first friend... please Cross, just- stay, even for a little while.?. "

He pulled away from the hug and looked at me, "Sure princess,  I'll stay, just for you..."

Hey guys it's the author,  I know my writing might me a little bit cringe but I'm trying to get better! 

Thank you for reading my story,  really, it means a lot to me.

Well enough of my rambling I'll let you guys go, see you in the next chapter! 

                ◆Dont be a silent reader!◆


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