Error x reader

175 3 6

A/n: (-_-) So this chapter is gonna be angsty because I like to torture myself,  I'm sorry in advance,  listen to the song if ya want, it just makes the chapter more sad, it isn't the best song for this but whatever,  okay?  Enjoy.... I guess?

Warning this chapter contains : swearing, violence, gore, angst, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors

Information note : You are a part of the star sanses and you and Error have been dating for a while in secret,  Nightmare just found out about it after Killer saw Error meeting with you and told him.

◆Y/n pov◆

I sat down in our usual meeting place as I waited for Error.

Hmm... he's never late, wonder where he is?

(Oh poor sweet reader, only if you knew, *sad sigh* good luck...)

Suddenly a portal opens in front of me and I see Error fall through,  I ran forward and quickly caught him in my arms.

I look over his body and see he has several broken bones, a bit of blood splotches here and there and a couple cracks in his skull, I look down at him "Error what- what happened? " I ask as he struggles to sit up

"Y/N, YoU NeEd To RuN, PlEaSe, NiGhTmArE KnOwS AbOuT Us, HeS CoMiNg, YoU- " Errors glitchy speech was cut off as a tentacle wrapped around my arm and yanked me off the ground.  

I screamed in pain as I was lifted off the ground. 

My arm is probably dislocated or broken.  

 I was suddenly thrown against a tree without warning

I felt sharp branches stab at my body, I let out another sharp scream. 

Tears start dripping down my face as I look down at a large sharp branch that was poking through my abdomen,  blood was streaming down my body and pooling at the base of the tree. 

When I tried move the branch snapped and I fell to ground,  I tried to scream again,  but nothing came out but a sharp, gasping,  bloody breath. 

I slowly opened my eyes and looked over at Error who was trying to get to me, but was held back by Killer.

I could see Errors mouth moving but all I heard was ringing,  I looked up and saw none other than Nightmare smirking down at me,  I tried to move, to yell, to scream,  but my tattered, bloody body didn't move, it just sat there,  immobilized as Nightmare bent down and whispered something to me,  I couldn't tell what it was because the ringing had gotten louder, 

 So much louder... 

You know....

I'm tired Error....

So very tired.... 

I need to close my eyes and sleep... 

Just for a short while.....



Goodnight love...

A/n: Well I'm gonna go and cry in a corner now.

*Sad author noises*

Hope you enjoyed the angst


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