Fell/Red x reader •¡angst¡¿•

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I picked the song bec.. idk I thought it fit this chapter. 

Well- I don't really know what to say so just... Enjoy ig?

Warning this chapter may contain : swearing, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors 

( f/n = Friends name)


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You sat shivering outside of the house,  tears streaking down your face. You were probably going to catch a cold standing out here but... you just couldn't go back inside.

You always knew that Red had a bit of a temper... but after what had happened you couldn't stay here, after what HE HAD DONE. 

You did what you had to do.

Tears still streaming down your frost bitten face you picked up your phone and called f/n. You slightly gave them an explanation of what had happened and they came and picked you up.

After a very silent drive to their house they helped you inside to sit on the couch. F/n was always so understanding and they knew when you didn't wanna talk,  so instead of bothering you with questions they went to make hot chocolate. You sat wrapped up in a blanket by their wood stove,  still trying to stop your sobbing. 

You heard a soft *clink* as f/n sat down with two cups of hot chocolate.  "So y/n, do you wanna talk about it? If not that's okay too, don't push yourself" they said softly

Slowly taking a sip of your drink you nodded your head "F/n, I just- I *sigh* maybe I should begin at the start, heh, do you have time to listen?"

They looked at you and said "It's my day off tomorrow, also the weekend, I have all night and two days to listen y/n."

"Aright f/n, let's begin."

*Flashback to a day before*

You smiled as you walked towards Grillbee's, you could not be more happy! Today was your 2nd year anniversary of dating Red!


You quickly entered the bar, looking around for your boyfriend, you had decided to suprise him this morning. While walking forward you thought you caught a glimpse of him and- there he was! 

Why was he- you had stopped dead in your tracks, staring forwards like a deer in headlights. 

Oh he was there alright. 

Making out with a cat monster.

But the thing that had made it even worse was that you knew that monster. 

It was your best friend, a monster you had known even before you started dating Red.

That was when the tears started,  a never ending flow as you turned around and ran out the door.

That night you had cried yourself to sleep, the next morning when he came home you had confronted him and before you knew it the situation turned into a full on yelling match, from the volume of yelling you were certain the whole underground had heard.

That was the point when you had fled out the door, tears still steadily flowing from your eyes.


"And here we are, with me rambling on and you sitting listening to me." You finished

Looking up to see your friends reaction you saw several emotions,  they looked overall pissed, sad, and sorry for you.

You were nearly knocked over as they jumped forwards to give you a hug. 

You welcomed the embrace,  because at the moment. 

F/n was the only thing you had


-So uh, I wasn't expecting this chapter to be angsty  but it kinda just happened, hope you enjoyed this shit. See you in the next chapter!


Word Count: 568

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