|Farm!Sans x reader | {¡¿b@dgu¥¿¡}

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[A/n: Wow another update!

 Yeaaah so I'm trying to keep updating but my motivation comes and goes like, one min I'll have an idea but when I go to wright it down my motivations like "See ya!" 

But whatever I guess.

Enjoy some Farm flirting and fluff!

(NO lemons or smut, just light flirting I PROMISE, the flirting won't even be good because I suck at writing that kinda stuff, like bruh I got NO idea how to flirt, I don't socialize, I stay in mah house, I only leave when I have to, like for freakin school!)

(Which is probably not good... eh whatever) 


★Ps. I also dont know Farms nickname so in the chapter it's just Farm or Farm sans!★

Warning this chapter may contain : spelling mistakes and grammatical errors

◆Third pov◆

It never really bothered Farm that y/n used to be a bad guy, they quit and decided to come live with him. 

He was actually happy about having someone to talk to.

Of course Horror would come for the occasional visit, but he never stayed long because he had work.

(More like Nightmare was being an a$shole of a boss~)

But now he had them, and he was glad. 

Currently Farm was resting under a tree in the shade to escape the heat, here in his au it could get quite warm. Farm was dozing when someone came and sat down beside him, his eye sockets shot open and he fell over. While he was laying in the grass he heard laughter,  a familiar laughter. He sat up and looked over to the tree to see y/n sitting there, still giggling.  

Smiling softly Farm got up and sat down beside them, together they sat for awhile until Farm moved so that his skull was resting on their lap. They didn't bother to move him and instead smiled that breathtaking smile and gave a small kiss on Farms skull. *Y/n makes a small flirty comment bc author doesn't have any ideas for flirty comments* *Farm chuckles at the small comment and flirts back* 

•Time skip to after the flirting battle bc author is tired and writing this at midnight•

 After flirting for a while Farm gives up causing yn to laugh a bit a give him a small peck on the lips(?)(Teeth? Idk bruh)  

Together the skeleton and the human sat under the tree  cuddling and watched the sun sink below the hills...


Sorry it was short but like I said it's midnight and I need sleep, goodbye and I hope you enjoyed.

| Info on Christmas chapter |

The Christmas special will be a longer chapter and I will be trying to add as many sanses to it as possible! It'll just be some fluff, fun and jokes for those of you who celebrate Christmas so definitely check it out when I get it done and posted!  It's not done yet bc I'm still thinking of ideas but it will be published eventually! Before Christmas hopefully! 


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