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Heads up guys, I'm going to warp Norse mythology to fit my story better. You'll see it happening more and more from this point onward as I introduce side characters.


The next memory bubble they perused showed San wandering back into the forest to the giant tree that was soon to be his new home. Then another one showed when Yunho and San met for the first time. And slowly on they approached the present.

Walking further into the darkerness, they found a light. Instinctually, everyone quickened their pace, from a brisk walk to a light jog then finally into a full out run. But it wasn't an exit, it was a gigantic bright bubble floating aimlessly.

"There we are!" Wooyoung excitedly pointed out in the sphere "why are we asleep?" he questioned as they watched their sleeping bodies sitting in the circle San drew in the sand.

"But how do we leave?" Jongho asked, not enjoying this out of body experience.

Yeosang began to search for a way out, before he could reach any conclusion. Wooyoung stuck his hand into the massive bubble, resulting in everyone waking up at the beach "This still explains nothing!" Wooyoung yelled once everyone collected themselves "how are you alive? Where is your scar? Why was Yeosang in your memories?"

"Pardon," San shot up from his comfortable lounging position on Jörmungandr "what do you mean Yeosang was in my memories??" he glared in confusion at this discovery, "I've watched and re-watched those memories and I think I would know who is in my memories!"

Tensions rose in the following silence, Wooyoung was mad because he hates liars, San is angry because he has no recollection of Yeosang at all, "I came from Fólkvangr..." Yeosang broke the silence "...I think Freya made me..." a million thoughts started to run through his head. Was he really human? Can he really change form? Why was he made? What is his purpose? Does he need to go back now that he knows where he belongs?

"Yeosang, " Seonghwa spoke in a hushed tone as he gently placed his hand on Yeosang's shoulder, steadying the shaking man.

He shook it off, "I saw your birth," Yeosang stated while everyone seemed confused "they called you Hagalaz." the group collectively gasped at the word.

Wooyoung stared at his long time friend, someone he would call his brother. He's known him for years and yet, the man standing before him was a complete stranger. The scornful look caused San's gaze to lose all life it had in it. His demeanor was now the same as when he walked out of that burning bull, "I can see why they call you that." Wooyoung turned away from the group and walked a ways down the shoreline. He couldn't bare to be near San right now.

Yeosang turned to Yunho in confusion, "a Hagalaz is defined as a bad omen, typically a Hagalaz is casted out of the village upon birth."

"Who determines that?" Yeosang asked, still rather confused.

"The village shaman, usually" he shrugged "typically it's bastard children, once birthed, they take the child and sacrifice them to Odin in order to ensure the safety of the village. It's an old barbaric tradition now only tribeless villages still do that. Some tribes praise a Hagalaz though, believing them to be the god's children."

"I still wish that stupid cat would've eaten me" San growled in frustration "would've been easier than being cooked alive."

"Bygul kept you alive because I asked him to," Yeosang defended.

San stared, dumbfoundedly at him "How? I don't remember seeing you, and I've studied my memories so it's not like I'd miss you."

"Memories of the same events could vary depending on perspective." everyone looked towards their leader, slightly shocked at his quick response "What?" Hongjoong just shrugged "San met Yeosang the day he was born, and then again while San was practically dead. The events between you two overlapped and Yeosang filled in some of the cracks, but without him there, we wouldn't have learned nearly as much as we did."

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