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One week, that's how long Seonghwa has been gone. He left to help his healers on the other islands. Apparently, there were more survivors than what everyone calculated for. The healers needed more hands and more supplies. So, Seonghwa packed a ship full of supplies and took four other healers with him as quickly as he could. He did promise Yeosang that he'd try to be back as soon as possible.

Yeosang ended up spending most of his time passing by the docks, hoping Seonghwa's ship would show up. He wanted to tell him about Hongjoong's outburst but he also didn't want to make him worry while he was away from the island. But as time past, he slowly regretted his decision.

Hongjoong tried to keep everything moving like normal but he kept faltering. At first, he was harsh and carried rage with every step he took. He'd occasionally lash out on someone unknowingly. But then, his fire diminished, as if someone stomped out every ounce of fight he had left. He still stood tall, but everyone could see he was a hollow husk of a man. He was just moving about the days, maintaining responsibility as Chief, but that was it. After his duties were taken care of, he'd retire to his father's study for the rest of the evening. Hongjoong was completely broken.

"That's it!" Yunho yelled after him and San gathered up the boys for a small meeting "what are we gonna do about Hongjoong?"

Everyone broke out into spit-balling ideas. Mingi suggested getting him some new trinkets from their more exotic merchants. San threw out getting drunk, in hopes he'd let slip what was bothering him. Jongho recommended a good healthy meal to have a heart to heart over. But their ideas all clashed causing them to bicker over who's idea would actually work. On the other hand, Yeosang sat there silently. He really wanted to tell everyone what was bothering Hongjoong. But he was unsure of how much damage that information might cause.

The longer he sat with this knowledge the more it stressed him. If he told anyone, Hongjoong would be upset with him for running his mouth. But if he didn't tell people and they find out he knew something, they'd be upset at him for not trusting them and keeping secrets. And how many people would be upset over this news? He knew that most of the guy's knew Hongjoong's father but he didn't know how close they were to him.

Yunho's long winded sigh drew Yeosang out of his worries. "Seonghwa would know what to do..." he mumbled mainly to himself. But it was loud enough for everyone to hear. Their bickering simmered to a grim agreement of wanting to wait for Seonghwa to get back.

"Does anyone know when he returns?" Wooyoung asked, hope thick in his voice.

Everyone just shook their heads "would he even care to help Hongjoong?" San asked bleakly "their fallout was pretty bad..."

"You're one to talk," Jongho retorted snidely "Hongjoong hates you and you're still here coming up with ideas to help him."

"Correction," San started "he hates what I did. Not me."

"Yet you were still banished" Jongho stated.

San went to speak but was cut off by Yunho "Unlike San, Seonghwa is Hongjoong's best friend. He'll help. He always helps."

Since it'd be silly to idly sit by while waiting on Seonghwa's return. They settled on trying out anything and everything they came up with. The more ideas the better. They didn't care if they'll annoy Hongjoong. All they care about is trying their best for their friend. He'll be grateful for it later.

With their mini meeting adjourned, Yeosang found himself wandering by the docks. The sun had already fully set and all the dock workers had gone to rest. It was just Yeosang and the stars tonight. Instead of sitting on the docks tonight, he found a comfortable spot to sit down on the cliffside. He had full view of the port and could easily spot a ship, if one were to come.

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