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"How'd San cause you to snap?" Yeosang asked, on the edge of the trunk.

Yunho just smirked knowingly, he had Yeosang hooked on his story "the group I ran with were hunting down some kind of ancient artifact. It was supposed to hold unlimited power of some kind. That's how we ended up here." he chuckled as Yeosang's gaze glimmered with curiosity "after searching the island thoroughly, I stumbled upon San's house. After San had beaten the living crap out of me for trespassing, he ended up taking mercy upon me. He saw how I didn't mind dying and decided to fix me. He convinced me to turn on my group and together we killed them all. Immediately after that, Hongjoong and his dad showed up and took us prisoner." Yunho's face glowed with joy, even if the memory was bloody, it was fond to him "Hongjoong's dad was going to have us killed. It was reasonable, but Hongjoong stopped him. And now I'm here."

"Fascinating" Yeosang beamed "how'd you go from an unfeeling kid to the you today?"

Yunho lifted up his fluffy brown locks from behind his left ear. Revealing a small black tattoo of two X shapes, one sits on top of the other causing them to make a diamond in the center "this is the Inguz rune, it promotes harmony of the self or something. San gave it to me. He knew the balance in my mind was all out of whack, so he fixed it. It was ugly for a few years cause I had to work through suddenly having emotions and forgiving myself for killing my mom. Honestly, if it weren't for San and Hongjoong helping me through that transition, I would've killed myself a long time ago." he chuckled halfheartedly "I just feel so pathetic somedays, ya know? Using magic to fix my issues."

Yeosang grabbed his hand, stroking it gently "hey," his voice soft "there's nothing wrong with that. Getting help by using any means to make yourself better doesn't make you pathetic." Yunho glanced up with a small sad smile "it makes you a badass warrior. You fought off your demons with all the weapons available to you and came out on top. You're amaz-"

Yunho had pounced Yeosang in a bone crushing hug, "thanks" he mumbled into the smaller male's shoulder. Yeosang just hugged back as firmly as he could. It was nice, not like Yunho needed a helping hand at this very moment. But Yeosang noted that it's good to recognize someone's hard work. It was probably horrible for him.

"anyways..." Yunho sniffled as he pulled away from Yeosang "you should probably head back to the fortress. Hongjoong was looking for you earlier." Yeosang looked at him, confusion evident in his face "oh," Yunho's voice turned serious as his gaze glinted with mischief "he looked serious. What'd you do to upset him?"

Yeosang's confusion quickly shifted to fear "I-" his voice quivered "I'm not sure, I haven't seen him since that meeting last night." thoughts of dread ran through his head.

Yunho only shrugged and patted Yeosang's shoulder wishing him a silent 'good luck' before strolling carefreely back to his workshop. Yeosang, on the other hand, was not carefree. He was a bundle of stress. Figuring Hongjoong couldn't really have him killed.....right?

He was getting along well with everyone. He hasn't offended anyone, well, maybe. He was sassy, but that's not exactly a reason to kill someone.

He managed to get back to the fortress before the sun was completely gone. People were trickling out of the halls, heading home for the evening. Which really wasn't helping Yeosang's stress. He didn't fancy being alone with Hongjoong right now.

Timidly ascending the stairs to the meeting room, Yeosang could feel himself getting sick. Surely, Hongjoong wouldn't get upset about the long wait, right? He was with San all day really, and then technically, Yunho kept Hongjoong waiting. If he wasn't being so interesting then Yeosang would've already seen Hongjoong.

"There you are," Hongjoong appeared behind Yeosang, completely calm "Yunho probably went into a long story or something, right?" he smiled knowingly. He figured Yunho was the wrong person to ask to relay a message. But he also knew San would hunt down Yunho first and that meant he was the only person who would be able to find Yeosang. The gods only knew where San was dragging Yeosang to "come on," Hongjoong eagerly grabbed Yeosang by the hand, pulling him to the meeting room "I found something interesting."

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