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It took only half a day to get back to the mainland. The time in which it took to make it back made everyone question San's sense of urgency. He knew the boat could get them places at a ridiculous pace. But he chose not to use it when they all thought people were dying, but instead use it when he wants to party. Yeosang sort of understood what Seonghwa was trying to tell him. San was a little morally ignorant.

Once they docked near San's house, San yelled out something about breaking into Hongjoong's stash. Causing mostly everyone to run as fast as they could to the main village. Hongjoong reacted late, which allowed everyone a decent head start. His friends planned on drinking his stash dry tonight.

Seonghwa and Yeosang were the only two left responsible to secure the boat. Frankly, Seonghwa was tempted to just let the boat be stolen by the current. But he wasn't that kind of person, he usually picks up after everyone anyways. After securing the ship, they leisurely started towards the village.

As they made their way through the forest, Yeosang was rather unfocused, but he did hear a light mumble. "Sorry," he began to apologize to Seonghwa, assuming he was saying something "What were you saying?"

"I didn't say anything" Seonghwa chuckled a little "you must be hearing things." he surmised while Yeosang scratched the back of his neck in confusion. They spent the next few minutes in comfortable silence, but Yeosang swore Seonghwa was mumbling something under his breath. But decided not to ask a second time. Once they reached the grassy plains before the little beach, Seonghwa broke their silence "How exactly did you make it past the poison?" he asked quietly.

No one asked him about his little dance with death. Yeosang figured they were too shocked or too scared to ask. Honestly, he was a little scared of himself. What he did was unnatural. He wouldn't be surprised if they all conspire against him. "I don't really know, the whole dragon bit was most likely pure luck. But the poison gas..." he glanced down to his left arm "...I guess this rune does work..." he contemplated out loud.

"But Algiz doesn't work." Seonghwa stated a little defensively.

Yeosang looked at the blonde a little annoyed "It works, I know it." That rune was his only explanation as to why he didn't die. He feels like it worked, he was pretty positive it was what splintered that tree. But he couldn't be one hundred percent sure, he was running on mostly adrenaline. So most things were blurred together.

It was Seonghwa's turn to grow annoyed "and we know it doesn't work."

Yeosang jumped in front of him, forcing them to a halt. "How do you know it doesn't work?" he crossed his arms while staring down the blonde. He wasn't too happy about being doubted.

Seonghwa just pushed past the smaller male with a regretful sigh. "We tried it, it didn't work, end of story." Seonghwa knew he was being a dick but he really didn't want to talk about it. Suddenly there was a soft tug on the back of his shirt. Turning his head slightly he saw Yeosang with his head hung slightly.

They stood like that for a short moment. "...I'm sorry" Yeosang mumbled out, "please don't be mad." Seonghwa was the only person he was totally comfortable with on this island so far. San was fun, but absolutely insane. Hongjoong wants him dead. And he doesn't know much of the others. He didn't want the only welcoming person here angry at him.

"It's fine..." Seonghwa's annoyance melted away with a sigh of defeat at Yeosang's little puppy dog pout. "Someone I was really close to had gotten sick, I couldn't cure it..." he paused slightly as if to choose his words properly "...she kept getting worse so Chief went ahead and tried the rune as a last resort." his eyes began to burn at the dark memory, but he shrugged it off. "she ended up worse. I tried everything to ease her pain but nothing helped. Eventually, she begged me to kill her." his voice began to shake as he struggled to keep his emotions in check "she would've done it herself, but she was too weak." his hands clenched into tight fists as his tone began to drip with rage "She ended up getting San to do it." Seonghwa shook his head as if to regain focus "So yeah," he began walking again "that stupid rune doesn't work."

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