Unwanted Touch

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"ljósið mitt, komdu aftur til mín ..." a faintly eerie female voice whispered. "Þú tilheyrir ekki hér ..." her pleasant tone began to hiss.

"Wake up!" a choked voice screeched, slightly muffled "she'll eat you!" it cried harshly while a sharp tap resounded off glass.

"heimskur fugl" she mumbled towards the window before looking down at the blissfully ignorant Yeosang below her. The spirit lowered herself closer to the sleeping boy, halting just inches above him. "Þú ert falleg" she noted as her ghostly hand caressed his cheek.

Yeosang shivered in his sleep as a cold chill ran through the room. Snuggling closer into his blankets, he covered his ears slightly in attempt to block out the incessant tapping. "Wake up!" the voice screeched again as the tapping turned into wild, heavy bashing.

The ghost wrapped its hands around Yeosang's neck. Sinking into his flesh to carefully pinch his esophagus. His eyes shot open from the shock from chocking. He saw a semitransparent woman floating above him. Her sickly green eyes turned a deep crimson as her teeth grew long and sharp. He tried, pointlessly, to shove her away. His hands only flailed around inside her foggy form.

"hversu sætt" she hissed into his ear before the glass to his window finally crashed down on the floor.

"Let him go!" a small, but aggressive, light peach parakeet swooped down on the ghost. "Let him go or else!" it's tiny voice screeched as it flapped violently in the ghostly woman.

The specter laughed at the small bird's pathetic attempt to save the day. It kept screeching while Yeosang was slowly losing consciousness. The rims of his vision slowly grew black by the second. He tried one more time to grab at the ghost. A familiar tingle ran up his arm. The ghost's laughter was cut short due to a warm grasp around her arms. "hvað!?" she screamed while her hands loosened on his throat.

Yeosang, violently coughing at the sudden flow of oxygen, grasped tighter on her arms. Orange light cracked up through the ghost's arms, burning her all the way up. Her scream shook the whole room, the little bird flew out the window to escape the racket, while Yeosang had to endure.

Jongho crashed through the wooden door "What is-" he started before quickly covering his ears from the sharp sound. His eyes strained to see past the hot bright light burning above Yeosang's bed. Closing the door, he made sure Yunho and Wooyoung didn't come near the room. When the wooden door finally settled down. Jongho carefully uncovered his ears and peered inside to see the light gone and Yeosang curled into a coughing fit, hands grasping his throat gently.

"Someone get him some water." he demanded from his alarmed companions. The room was in tatters, furniture was overturned, blankets scattered, window shattered. "What happened?" he asked, concern written all over his face as he patted Yeosang's back.

Yeosang's coughing fit simmered down to the occasional dry cough. "a ghost..." his voice strained out, forcing him into another small fit of coughs. Yunho and Wooyoung now came back with a glass of water, the struggling boy chugged it as fast as he could.

"You alright?" a chirpy voice was heard from the window "she was crazy" the little bird remarked before flying over and landing on Yeosang's knee. "I tried to warn you" it mocked while avoiding Yeosang's attempt to pet it's little belly.

"How'd you get through the window?" he asked the bird while everyone eyed him questionably.

"I am mighty" it boasted proudly puffing out it's chest.

"mighty indeed" Yeosang giggled as he stroked the parakeet's fluffy head.

Yunho leaned over to Wooyoung "he's talking to a bird" he whispered "it must be a lack of oxygen to the brain...."

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