The Island

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Yeosang's vision began to blur. He couldn't control the pain scorching through his senses. The light from his carvings crawled their way through his veins, dancing under his skin like a flickering flame. He felt it creep in through the back of his eyes. Orange flame engulfed his sight. Burning all his imagery sensors away.

His consciousness floated among golden flaked clouds. No matter how breathtaking nor beautiful the sensation before him was, he was unimpressed. He felt nothing, just a dull empty hollowness.

"They aren't toys!" an authoritative voice boomed.

"Why not?" a soothing female spoke.


"This one is my best yet"

"Yeosang!" a panicking Seonghwa was all he could see and feel now. "Thank Odin you're back" Seonghwa's arms wrapped around him in a warm embrace "I was so worried" he truly was, even though they had just met. Yeosang could feel Seonghwa's heart racing as his breathing tried to even it out.

He brought his hands up to pat Seonghwa on the back gently "Everything is alright now" he soothed the best he could. His gaze naturally went to examining where he was, as if to grasp reality. There stood a man with soft yet angular features whose ash brown hair was rather unkempt and shoulder length in the back but shorter up front. His amber eyes weren't as gentle as Seonghwa's, but they held a deep kindness clouded in judgment.

"I told you the stone would be useful." the man's voice was firm, leaving very little room for defiance. "Who is this kid anyways?" he regarded Yeosang with slight annoyance and disgust.

Every muscle in his body tensed up, this man was stressing him out. A cold sweat began to build up as he was fumbling trying to rack his head for any word combination possible that wouldn't piss this man off. "This is Yeosang," Seonghwa spoke for him while pulling away "he doesn't remember where he lives. I was hoping you'd help him out." Seonghwa was now standing looking slightly down on the man with the sweetest smile possible "Our kind, caring Hongjoong-ie would never leave a lost soul behind."

Surely, those honeyed words wouldn't make this man budge. To Yeosang's surprise, his previously strong face cracked into a wide dorky grin "of course we can help him out" he went over to Yeosang lifting him up off the ground "you can live here for the time being, until you remember. Then we can bring you home, okay?" Yeosang just nodded cautiously "good, I'll set you up with a room in the fortress. We'll need to find out your skills and put them to good use." the man began to walk out of Seonghwa's home "by the way, I'm the Chief here, Hongjoong. Got problems, come find me." and he left as quick as he came, leaving Yeosang completely baffled by the personality switch.

"He loves to be called by name" Seonghwa answered Yeosang's unasked questions "he also loves being praised. So the few who can get away with it use it against him. He doesn't mind it too much." he lightly laughed at a past memory "once, San begged him to try a new potion he had made. He went completely bald in the dead of winter then caught a horrible fever." he laughed a little harder remembering the look of complete devastation on his Chief's face. "Poor San was forced to brush all the mats out of the village sheep. He had their wool flowing gloriously."

Yeosang tried his hardest to imagine what a sheep might look like to be considered a punishment. "What is a sheep?" he asked after his head began to sting from the foreign word. Seonghwa's face twisted in shock but then relaxed as he explained the fluffy creatures to him. Apparently they were kind of short and fluffy like a cloud until they're shaved down "they sound cute" Yeosang surmised "I'd like to see one."

"Sure thing," Seonghwa stated before he started for the door "but maybe you should finished getting dressed?" he chuckled as Yeosang's face flushed with a shade of red from the fact he was still without a shirt.

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