Chapter Two - Irritation

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After a few hours of watching TV on the couch, Tommy became quite bored. So, he decided to call Wilbur to cheer himself up. He grabbed his phone from the coffee table, and scrolled through his Contacts until he found Wilbur's name. He clicked on the audio call button, and it rang for about 10 seconds before Wilbur had picked up. "Hey Toms, what's up?" Tommy sighed. "I'm just reeeaaally bored and I need something to do, so I figured I'd call you." Wilbur let out a giggle, and sighed. "Tommy, you are something else. Anyways, err.. what shall we do?" Tommy shook his head. "Why're you asking me?" Wilbur paused, and said: "Oh, right. Sorry! Anyways.. Ranboo and Ari's (Ari is Jay's other nickname) stream just ended. Why don't we talk to them?" Tommy's face went crimson red when Ranboo's name was mentioned, and he completely froze, daydreaming.
Wilbur glared at him for a long while before saying, "Uhh.. Tommy? Your face is red, you alright mate?" Tommy immediately snapped back to reality. "Oh, Wha- Did I miss something?" "Yeah mate, you zoned out. Something wrong?" "Oh, no.. uh- I err.. N-nothing's the matter!" He stated, the words staggering quickly out of his mouth. "Tommy, you know you can tell me anything." Wilbur said. "B-but there's nothing to tell you!.." Tommy replied. "Okay, Tommy. If you're so sure. Anyways, I'll message Ranboo and Aries to get on VC and we can play on the SMP or something.. and maybe a few of the others are online too." Tommy nodded. "Sure." After a bit, Mark and Jay got onto VC, and then Wilbur and Tommy. Ranboo's mask and glasses weren't on, again, and Tommy could see his bright gray eyes. His face went strawberry red, and he froze again like he did earlier today.
This time, it wasn't Wilbur to notice, but Ranboo. "Tommy?.. Tommy? Hellooooo, Tommy? You good dude? Your face is really red." Tommy slipped back into reality, realizing that he had froze infront of everyone. At that, he decided that he didn't want to do this anymore. "I-I've.. gotta go.." Mark blinked, somewhat disappointed. "Oh.. okay, bye." He left VC and buried his face into his pillow as muffled yelling came out. "WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?! I FROZE IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, AGAIN! UGH!" He threw his head repeatedly on the pillow over, and over again, tears rolling down his cheeks. Tommy then slowed, slumping down the side of the bed.
What is happening to me? Am I.. falling.. in love?.. With.. Ranboo? I can't love a man.. can I? How will I tell my fans.. my family? Oh, I don't know.. So many questions! Tommy ranted in his head. "I need answers.." Tommy said as an idea popped into his mind. "I'll ask Jay." But before he got the chance, he could hear his phone ringing.

Accept ✅ - Decline ❌

He hit accept.
"Hello? Tommy?" Ranboo said. "I'm here." He replied. " ..Hey, uh, what happened back there? Is something wrong?" Tommy shook his head. "N-no, nothing's wrong." Ranboo blinked. "Are you sure? Your face was really red, and you were looking directly at me." He stopped dead. "...Is it because.. Is it because you think I'm ugly?" Tommy was shaken, why would he ever think that? "What!? No! Why would anyone think that? You're so beautiful, in fact, you're prettier than Jay and Niki! Amd they're beautiful! Please Mark, don't ever think that you're ugly.." Tommy could see Ranboo's face reddening, his soft gray eyes glittering. "Wow, I.. Thank you, Tommy. Nobody's every complimented me like that. Not even Tubbo." Tommy could feel his face getting hot. Don't freeze, don't freeze!.. "Oh! er.. You're welcome. But please don't believe that anyone would ever call you ugly."
Ranboo nodded, thanking Tommy. He then hung up, and Tommy slouched on his bed, letting out a sigh of relief. He changed his mind about asking Jay, who was a Lesbian and knew alot about love. Instead of asking her, he decided that he would do some shitty online test that he knew wouldn't work. He went onto google and typed in 'Am I gay?' A couple results showed on the screen and he picked the first one. He went through the small quiz which took him about 5 minutes, and the results shocked him. The word titled on the screen way 'Gay' Not Bisexual, Pansexual, nothing. Just gay. Tommy sighed, still a bit taken aback. "Okay then. We'll see how this goes."

Hello readers, I hope that you've enjoyed my fanfiction so far! I'm very proud with it at the moment, and I believe you all will love it! Anyways, make sure to stay healthy and safe. Thanks for reading this chapter of 'I Don't Deserve You'. (ALSO IM NOT SEXUALIZING JUST PLEASE DONT SUE ME ASJDK)

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