Chapter Nine - Warm, but Cold

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A/N : C!s one more time in this chapter. Also uh.. I attempted to draw Ranboo.. it looks okay ig- 🥲
Question for y'all, what are y'alls phobias? Just curious. My main is Astraphobia/Phonophobia & Entomophobia 🐜🐝 🌧 ⚡️


3 weeks later

- Cara POV -

About a half-hour after I'd arrived in the airport and asked my mother to come pick up my car, then they called for boarding.

"Flight 321, Boarding now!"

I started walking in the direction of my gate, dragging my suitcase behind me.

As I boarded the plane, a fair-skinned brunette girl maybe a year younger than me walked by.

Woah, she's real easy on the eyes.

Wait, what am I taking about? I don't like anyone.

I mean.. Aries? Damn.. I mean- Uh- N-no. Not now. Don't think about Aries right now, Cara, focus.

Nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen. This is going to be a normal flight to the UK.

I let out a sigh, and sat in the seat assigned by my boarding pass.

I looked out the window and saw it raining.

I checked the forecast for the weather over this week in the UK.

My eyes somewhat widened.

Mh. I'm glad I packed sweaters. Supposed to be below freezing with snow all week in the UK.

- Jay POV -

Tommy was next to me walking me back indoors.

It's still raining..

He told me reassuring things, like Ranboo didn't stay afraid for long, regarding they'd known each other for awhile.

I just went along with it. We'd grabbed towels and dried ourselves off, not fully though.

I flicked my ears anxiously as Tommy urged me to walk to Ranboo's room.

"Tommy, what if he's still afraid of me? What will happen?"

"He's not afraid of you Jay, you're his best friend. Either way, me and Tubs are here for you too."

I nodded, and swallowed hard, gathering all my courage.

My tail swept the floor, hind paws pattering the carpet as I approached the entrance to the room.

I just stood and stared at it for a moment, fidgeting with my paws.

Fuck it.

I knocked gently on the door. "..Ranboo-?"

After a few seconds, the doorknob turned to reveal an anxious figure standing in front of me.

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