Chapter 10 - A Curtain Reuinion

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- Ranboo POV -

I was walking down the driveway with Tommy blushing.

My fingers were laced with his, and he seemed pretty happy.

I'm glad he was happy.

We walk towards the door, and Tommy pulled his keys from his sweater pocket and unlocked the door.

When I walked in, the first thing I saw was- wait,

"Cara? What theee-"

I swear she gave me the coldest glare, as if I'd just killed her favorite pet.

Then I looked down into her arms, and I saw a sleeping Jay.

"Aah- okay-" Extending the first half of both words.

Why is she so intimidating?! I thought as she continued to violently glare at me.

I just ignored it and walked away.

I checked my phone for the time, and it was pretty late.

10:30PM, It read.

I then looked at Tommy, and just as I thought he'd be, he looked drowsy.

He was still holding my hand, half-asleep.

How cute.

"Stay here, Toms." I whispered to him, beginning to make my way to the fridge, and stealing a bottle of coke. Just in case, y'know?

I quietly closed the fridge, walking back over to Tommy, whose legs were slowly giving way.

I reached him just in time before he could fall over, and picked him up bridal style.

He stuffed his face into my chest, letting out a muffled, and sleepy "..I love you."

My full face flushed red, but it was half hidden due to my mask.

I calmed, and just hummed in response, knowing that he was already asleep by the sound of his steady breathing.

I carried him to his room, and tucked him under his sheets, pressing a light kiss to his nose.

I left the bottle of coke on his nightstand so that if he needed it, it was right there.

"Night, Toms." I whispered, walking out and closing his door.

I sighed, and walked over to the livingroom where Jay's hoard of pillows still remained.

I stole a blanket from it, and laid on the pillows.

Just as comfortable as they were when I walked in here. I thought.

I rested my head down, and looked to Cara who was laying on a recliner with Jay peacefully in her arms.

I smiled, then letting my mind rest.

Thursday , 12:36 AM

- Iris POV -

Stupid Aries always left her location on, and since me and Pugs had been in the UK, we decided to visit our fellow curtain.

"How we doin, Pugs?" I asked.

"I'm thrilled!" They replied while struggling to keep up with me, little tail waving wildly.

"I can't wait to see her! It's been far too long!" She said, as fidgeted my ears wings in agreement.

"Well, their house is just around to corner, so you won' have to wait much longer!"

Pugs let out a high-pitched squeal of excitement, and I just giggled.

We turned the sidewalk into a beautiful neighborhood, and my phone announced that we'd arrived.

"Here it is. Ready?" I said, fluffing out the feathers on my neck.

They nodded eagerly. "Can I do it? Can I do it?" Was all I got in reply, and a trembling 5'2" body.

"Sure, why not?" I said, and they raced me to the front door.




Ding, Dong

- Aries POV -

I was scrolling through my twitter feed, until I heard the doorbell ring.

Who could be here so early?

I sat up, and walked to the door, holding the knob in my paw.

Before doing so, I looked through the peephole, audibly gasping.

I quickly opened the door, and squealed, bouncing up and down.

"Pugs, Iris!" I barked, spinning in circles.

Pugs, A dirty blonde (im sorry i just pictured u with dirty blonde pls dont kill me 🥺)  girl with the ears and tail of a dog, maybe an inch or two taller than me, and Iris.

A wolf-duck mix with darn brown hair the highlighted in the sunshine.

"I missed you guys so much!" I said as my tail swayed side to side. It wasn't even visible to see it waving, it was going to fast.

"Curtaintrio reunion!!"

Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to get this out as quickly as possible- qwq

ANYWAYS! Curtaintrio consists of me and my besties. u-u

Iris : @gsausemarimba

Pugs : APogPug

Hope yall enjoyed! Again, forgive me for short chapter and not posting on Bloom like I said i would : 

Also I read Flowers from 1970 and I still wanna die-


Buh-bye, butterflies! (yes, i dont watch miraculous but oh well)

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