Chapter Four - The Meetup

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-Ranboo POV-
A Month Later
Today is the day. I'm going to pack up, and head for the airport. I'm so excited to see Tommy and Toby! The sound of my own self thinking of Tommy made my face feel warm and fuzzy, but I could feel myself shaking. I was exhilarated, ecstatic! But, I still have to go and get Jay. Okay, okay, focus Mark. I checked my phone for the time, it was currently 9:00AM, and the flight was at 11:00AM.
Alright, I've still got plenty of time. Jay is a heavy sleeper.. I might aswell wake her up if she isn't already. He picked up his phone again, and scrolled through his contacts until he found the girl's name.  The phone rang for a bit, and at last she picked up. "Hello...?" I sighed. "Were you sleeping?" The brunette nodded tiredly, and I shook my head and laughed. "Well our flight's today in two hours, so you'd better get ready and start packing." I addressed her. "..But I packed my stuff last night?.." She said tiredly, and all I did was silently blink. "Welp.. it's just me then. Alright, I'll pick you up at 9:30 and then we'll head for the airport, okay?" Jay nodded, and I hung up.
Once all my stuff was packed, I put it all in the back of my car and buckled my seatbelt. "Alright, let's go." He drove about 10 minutes to Jay's house, and got out of the car. He walked up her driveway and to her door. He knocked on it a few times and waited for the girl to answer. After she opened the door, he asked: "Are you ready?" She nodded. "Just sleepy." She said, moving her hair out of her face. "You're always sleepy." I laughed. "Alright, enough chitchat. Shall we head out?" She nodded. "So we shall." They both got into the car, and started the 45-minute drive to the airport. And of course, Jay slept literally the entire way. When we got there, I gently nudged Jay to arouse her. "Hey, wake up." I said as she opened her eyes. "Are we there-" She said, interrupted by a yawn. "-Already..?" I nodded. "Unfortunately." I began to say as she let out a sigh. "I believe we're gate 6.." I said, walking the direction of the entrance to the airplane. We showed the flight attendant our tickets and passports, and walked along the pathway with our luggage trailing behind us. After sitting down, and putting our stuff in the small cubbies, we relaxed. "This is going to be a loooooong flight."

- Tommy POV -
I immediately called Tubbo, I was shaking! Once he answered, I yelled into the speaker. "TOBY! TODAY IS THE DAY! RANBOO AND ARIES ARE COMING TO LIVE WITH US FOR 4 MONTHS!" I screamed in disbelief.  I couldn't believe it.. I just couldn't! The boy that I liked was going to actually be here in only 9 hours! "Okay, okay, I'm excited too but there's no need to shout right into the speaker-" Toby said as I just blinked. "Oh! Err.. Sorry, Tubbs.. But I just can't help it! I'm so excited!" Tommy exclaimed. Toby just smiled back with an excited glimmer in his eyes. "Yeah Toms, me too."
-Jay and Ranboo POV-
* . Time Skip bc Flying is Boring <3 . *

The plane landed, and of course, Jay was still asleep. (I'm sorry pls- this is how I am qwq)
The pilot announced that it was safe to unbuckle their seatbelts, grab their things, and exit the plane.
This time, I didn't gently wake Jay, but I shook her violently until she awoke and glared at me in shock.
"The fuck was that for you prick?!" She hissed, shouldering me out of the way, but she just stood there. There was a huge height difference between her and the storage cubby. So I sighed, and handed her her stuff before she scoffed and stormed off as I laughed. "For sleeping too much!" I replied. "There's nothing wrong with sleeping!" She yelled back in an angry tone.
When they exited the plane, Tommy had already messaged Ranboo that he was on his way to the airport, and I began to blush. He's only a few minutes away.. I thought to myself as I and the brunette girl found somewhere less crowded to stand, and began waiting for Tommy and Toby to arrive.

- Tommy and Tubbo POV -

"Five minutes- Then we're THERE! Toby, I just can't keep it in! I'm so excited!"
Tubbo looked at him for a minute, and then back at the road. "..You like Ranboo, don't you mate?" Tommy looked back at him, his face crimson red. "H-How'd you know?" Toby laughed. "I talked with Jay the other day, she told me everything. She was really excited! Y'know, she's shipped you guys for a long time now, even before you told her." I sighed. "That fuckin' dickhead-"
Tommy growled as Tubbo came to a stopping point.
They had arrived at the airport.
Tommy stopped as butterflies slowly began to bubble up inside of his stomach, face red.
"Ready to go, Toms?" Tommy snapped back into reality. "Oh- U-Uh- Yeah!" The words staggered rapidly out of his mouth.
"Aight then, let's go inside." They reached the doorway, and entered the large building.
And the first thing that Tommy saw..
Was Ranboo.
I raced as fast as I could, and called the boy's name.
"RANBOO!" He called, and people turned to see what had happened.
-Ranboo POV-
Mark whipped around at his name, and something had grabbed him from behind, and he'd fallen to the ground with a thud.
He let out a yelp of shock, closing his eyes, but then opening them to see what had tackled him.
He saw extremely familiar silky blonde hair, and arms wrapped around his neck.
Toby and Jay stood side by side with smug looks on their faces, but I was only focused on one thing.


"It's me Mark, I'm right here."

. * ~^~ * .
✨E P I K✨
ok, no more yelling. ._.
uhh.. There's gonna be kissing in the next chapter, so get your 4k cameras ready.. 👀📸
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter of 'Something Like Love'
Make sure to get some food and water, and sleep if you need it! Stay safe you guys, and just know that you are loved.

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